Page 2 of Falsifier

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"I'll give you a good reason to say yes."

"Babe, you only need to smile and I'd say yes." I lift his head, pressing my lips into his, claiming what is mine, cigar residue be damned.

Chapter two


Thestudioisn'tquitewhat I expected. I was told this was an abandoned business looking for a new purpose rather than a ready-made dance studio. I don't mind that, the odds of exactly what I’m looking for coming up for sale is quite slim. Planning to do the work myself is fun, so long as Knox supplies plenty of helpers to do the actual work. I'm more of a bystander when it comes to DIY.

But I wasn't quite expecting this.

It is a strip joint that closed down and nobody moved anything. There are still a few glasses on the bar top, crumbs across the tables. It's like the end of a busy night and no one bothered to clean up. I would be walking straight back out of the door, if it wasn’t for the pole in the middle of the stage.

"Well, this is a bit of a dive," Freddie grunts at the estate agent showing us around.

"The owner wasn't following the rules and had his licence revoked. The inspector literally closed it there and then and kicked everyone out. It is a great club for anyone planning to follow the rules, but it's gonna take a lot of work and jumping through hoops to get relicensed. It's why I thought it would be perfect for your dance place."

"I'd need to gut the whole thing." And yet, my mind is pondering through ideas. I wasn't short of a few suggestions for Vince's place, not that I ever told him, but I thought it.

As the agent and Freddie discuss the sins that led to this place closing, I wander towards the pole. I've barely used Knox's pole in the last few days, but it feels like forever since I've danced on a pole in a place like this. It's too tempting to resist, especially after my hand closes around the cool metal.

"Everyone I've shown around this place has been interested in that," the estate agent calls.

I'm wearing too much clothing to show off too much; it's the bare skin on the pole that gives me grip. However, I can still wow the pants off people.

"Give it a turn. Most people who come in here do." The man gives a chuckle which reveals his low expectations. Pole dancing isn't as easy as it looks, and it looks bloody impossible. I remember the first few times I tried. But now I'm an expert and I'll give the estate agent more than just a turn. Respecting the fact my clothes don't grip as well as bare skin, I spin around on the pole, twisting my body up, so that for about half a spin, I'm upside down, before twirling back around onto my feet.

"Well," the estate agent mutters dumbfounded. "I know you wanted a dance studio but my god, that was impressive."

"He's a man of many talents," Freddie nods. "Monkey on a pole, lion tamer.” He gives a teasing wink.

"Aw, so sweet," I praise him. "Well, Knox wants photos of this place from every angle, so you boys need to find him a reason to say no to me."

"Hmh," Freddie grumbles. "Even if the roof was falling in, he wouldn't say no to you."

If only that was true. If only I could tell him not to be angry with Nico. If I can find Nico first and bring him here, I'm sure I can somehow fix everything.

But the truth on that one is that it would be easier to build a time machine than save Nico right now. I step down from the stage and we begin the tour.

"Are you ready to go now?" Freddie questions, walking over in broad steps. "We've taken all the photos we need."

"Did you find any reason not to buy this place?" I ponder. They didn't take as long as I thought they would.

"We did not," Freddie shrugged. "It's not going to be cheap, but Knox has the money, and I think you have the drive."

"Thank you." It might be what I need to sink my hopes into as a distraction from the Gavriil situation.

I jump back into the SUV, pouring over the floor plans as I'm driven home. There is a downside to the club's refurbishment. It's far too big. I need a dance hall, changing rooms and maybe an office. This club is spread over three floors, and I'm worried I won't find a use for all of it. It's not like I'm going to need the apartment Knox talked about.

By the time I've reached the huge house where I live with Knox, I'm almost certain I could train the homeless as staff and provide housing for people who need it. I’m so fortunate with Knox, I feel like I need to share my good luck with others. Paying it forward, in a way. Not that Knox would let me, but still, my heart doesn't agree.

I can't wait to tell him, and I start hunting my man down the minute I see his car parked outside.

Chapter three


Rumourswouldstartifeveryone knew the great Slayer was so emotionally attached to employees, but my father cares about that more than me, so that can be his mess. I have my own mess to worry about. My mess being a shooting and a missing person. I'm hoping the missing person isn't also the shooter, but I am becoming more outnumbered in that opinion by the day.

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