Page 15 of Noble Expectations

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I’m to go to Finleigh Park today in time for lunch, and Freddy is to arrive with Pippa after school.

I’m both excited and terrified.

It’s nine, and I’m just about to have a second cup of tea when my phone rings.

“Alex, I’m so sorry, but we are going to have to cancel. Pippa is ill, and I’ve been up most of the night with her.”

“Oh no, I’m sorry she’s not well. Is it serious?”

“No, I don’t believe so. It’s been going around.”

Is there anything I can do?”

“No, but thank you. I just wanted to let you know what’s going on and to make it clear that this is just a bump in the road.”

“I understand. You get some rest. And we’ll talk soon.”

Sooner than he thinks.

After a number of phone calls, I arrive at Finleigh Park as planned.

Freddy trots out the front door with a grin on his tired face. “Alex, what’s going on? What’s all this?” He gestures to the four boxes Ailsa is unloading from the car.

“I’ve brought our weekend to you and Pippa. Just because she’s ill, doesn’t mean we should miss out. Besides, you must be exhausted and could use a break.”

“I am. And thank you. You coming was exactly what I didn’t know I needed.”



When I sawAilsa pull up with Alex in the car, I felt just that little bit lighter. It had been a long, unpleasant night, topped off with having to cancel our special weekend, and worse, breaking the news to Pippa.

She’d sobbed her little heart out and had only just settled down to sleep. She will be thrilled to wake up to find the weekend came to her.

“Pippa is napping,” I tell Alex as we bring the last two boxes into the kitchen. “I think we should follow her example and have a short nap, too.”

“Only if you really mean nap and not spanky-panky.”

“I do. Now, let’s get these unpacked quickly, then we can nap.”

“Let’s nap now and let Pippa help unpack the boxes when she feels up to it.”

“A sound plan,” I tell her as I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom.

I swear I’ve only just fallen asleep when Pippa bounces onto the bed. “Daddy, there are boxes in the kitchen and Alex is in your bed. Alex, why are you in Daddy’s bed? Did you bring the boxes? What’s in them?”

“I think somebody is feeling much better.”

“I am, Daddy. Much, much better. We can have our weekend now. What’s in the boxes?”

“Well, Lady Pippa, since you and your daddy weren’t able to come for the weekend, I brought the weekend to you. And I am so glad you are feeling better because now our weekend will be even more fun. As for what’s in the boxes, shall we go open them and find out?” Alex turns to me. “Unless you’re dying of curiosity, how about you nap a little longer, while Pippa and I investigate.”

“I think I can hold back my excitement for another hour or so.”

Alex chuckles as Pippa takes her hand and drags her out of my bedroom.

When I wake, I head for the kitchen to make some tea. As I pass the lounge, my heart melts at the sight of Alex reading to Pippa, who is cuddled up to her. I try to sneak past and not disturb them, but they both look up at the same time. “Did you sleep well?” Alex asks.
