Page 3 of Noble Expectations

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With the sexiest of grins, Alfred’s eyes lock on mine. “As you like, Alexandra.” And if that grin weren’t enough, the way he says my name does things to my insides that tempt me to re-evaluate my entire position on dads, social connectedness, vanilla sex, and...

Charlotte joins us, and I come to my senses. She pulls Pippa into a hug, I make my excuses, and mingle until I can reasonably escape.



With the exceptionof the delightful, but all too brief encounter with Princess Alexandra, Charlotte and Duncan’s engagement party is an exercise in familial obligation.

Tiresome small talk with people I normally go out of my way to avoid. The whole business is made bearable by watching the princess from the corner of my eye as she works the room. It’s not just her beauty that has me transfixed. It was her obvious kindness. She smiles as she interacts with every person she encounters. When she got to us and stooped to greet Pippa first, I was a little smitten. I’m realistic enough to know I’m a good-looking man. And I’ve often met women who fawned over me while completely ignoring my daughter.

Then I remind myself that she’s out of my league and maybe it’s time for me to finally set up my profile on that app Charlotte set me up with all those months ago.

I’m only half-listening to the conversation and barely keep myself from inappropriately laughing out loud when I spot perfect Princess Alex making a getaway. She does a quick head-swivel in all directions before ducking through one of the side doors.

A few minutes later, Pippa gives my hand a double squeeze. Our signal that she’s had enough.

She’d been invited to spend the night with the other children who are to be members of the wedding party. Much to my relief she declined, thereby ensuring I could make my own early departure without coming off as unforgivably rude.

After I get home and Pippa is all tucked in for the night, I retire to my room with very large scotch.

It takes me the better part of two hours before I’m happy with my profile. Truth be told, most of that time was spent coming up with a good username.



The wedding was beautiful,and it was an honour to stand up for my brother as he took his vows. I just hope that despite their relationship’s beginnings, Duncan and Charlotte find the love they promised each other, because they both deserve a lifetime of happiness.

When the music began, Duncan and I turned toward the back of the church, and my gaze immediately fell upon Charlotte’s cousin Alfred in the front row. Wearing a perfectly tailored morning suit and looking every bit as devastatingly handsome as he had at the engagement party a few months ago.

I admit I’d been a little excited this morning at the prospect of seeing him again. I have a deep appreciation of eye candy—even if it is of the dad variety.

I quickly shifted my gaze when he caught my eye then silently gave myself a stern lecture, listing all the very good reasons why he was off-limits.

During the short ride from the church to the reception, I pull out my phone and am surprised to see a Fetwrk notification for a hookup. I open the app, and after scanning the profile, I take a leap of faith.

The reception flies by in a blur thanks to my pre-occupation with my upcoming adventure.

Due to an overabundance of impatience and excitement, I arrive at the meeting place nearly ten minutes early. When Charlotte’s cousin, Alfred, shows up, I come very close to making excuses, but—

“Don’t even think it,” he warns. “Either commit or don’t. But I won’t put up with bullshit excuses because we both know just how lucky you are that you didn’t match up with someone you’reactuallyrelated to.”

Oh god. He’s not wrong.

“I’m going to retire to my conveniently private, and remarkably well-equipped suite. Feel free to join me if you’re still in the mood for a night of depravity.” Then he walks away.

Common sense tells me to go to my own suite and forget this ever happened. But it’s been too long since I’ve had sex or kink or even physical contact from a member of the opposite sex, so I follow.

He finally acknowledges me once he’s opened the door. “After you.” He stands aside and gestures into the room. “Strip and stand in the middle of the floor.”

I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.

“Did I stutter, Petal?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then get on with it. Unless you’ve changed your mind?”
