Page 30 of Noble Expectations

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“I’ve asked my dad for a sister. My friend Jenny says babies are made when the mummy and the daddy love each other very very much.”

Poor Freddy is bright red, and when it looks like he might try to stop Pippa, I lean in and whisper, “Let her talk. She’s delightful and entertaining. And if she’s not talking,youmight be asked some decidedly uncomfortable questions.”

He nods and focuses on his meal.

“If you’re the King, where is your crown? Aren’t you supposed to wear it all the time? How do people know you’re the King if you don’t?”

Things settle down some once Pippa turned to the very serious subject of ponies, and she was obviously thrilled to bits that my father had taken a keen interest in Storm.

Once supper is finished and we’re retiring to the sitting room, Freddy pulls me aside. “Go pack, Petal. I’ll stay here and chat with your parents.”

Petal. Game on. “Yes, Sir.”

Once I’m packed, I leave my bag at the door ready to go, then rejoin Freddy and my parents.

“There you are, my love.” My father pulls me in for one of those hugs he gives that have always made me feel so safe and loved. “He’s a good man, sweeting. Give him a chance.” I nod against my father’s chest. “Okay, Papa.”

As soon as he releases me, my mother takes her turn. “Keep your mind and heart open, my lovely. That’s all I ask. We love you no matter what.”

“Yes, Mama. I love you too.”

“Take care of my baby girl, Alfred.”

“I will.”

We don’t speak until we’re in the Land Rover and clear of the palace grounds. “When we get home, Petal, we’re going to set some ground rules, and then sleep. In the morning, I will begin to make up for too much lost time.”

To start, your health and welfare is the number one priority, and it supersedes all other rules. That’s not to say you use being pregnant as an out because you don’t want to do something. That’s what your safeword is for. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You will eat regular, healthy meals and snacks. You will go to bed whenever you are sleepy, but never later than eleven. You will nap whenever you feel tired. I’m sure there will be other pregnancy related rules that will come up but those will do to start. Any questions, so far?”

“No, Sir.”

“I will fuck you whenever and wherever the mood strikes. I want to be able to mark you, so—”

“My doctor is kink-friendly, Sir. She’ll make sure that my obstetrician is, too.”

“You have no idea how happy that makes me. Thank you for telling me. Even with marks being on the table, I’m still going to modify how I play with you to mitigate risk as much as possible. Again, your health and welfare come ahead of all else.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Now, where was I? Oh yes, fucking, marks…wait here.”

A minute or two later, he returns, holding out the metal butt plug. This one is larger than the other one and has an amethyst heart at the base.

“You will wear this at all times, except for when you need the bathroom or I tell you to remove it.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

“I think that’ll do for tonight. Let’s go to bed.”

He picks up my bag and leads me to his bedroom. “Go use the toilet and brush your teeth, then I want you naked and bent over the end of the bed, holding your ass open to me.

“Yes, Sir.”

I hurry to get ready because I’m just as eager to see what he has in store for me as I’m sure he is to mete it out.
