Page 6 of Noble Expectations

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By the fifth cycle, I’m groaning in frustration. I want my orgasms, damn it.

“Just let it happen, Petal. We’ll get there, I promise. I just didn’t say when.”

I lost count somewhere after fifteen when I’d begun to entertain the possibility of faking my orgasms just to be done and over with. But then…. Something happened with the last cane stroke. I got close. Like maybe it could push me over.

The next stroke took me closer. I don’t know if Alfred switched something up with the vibrator, or—

“You’re on your way, now. You didn’t think it could happen, did you? Nothing’s changed, Petal.”

Another cane stroke takes me perilously close. Just that little bit—

“Ask me for permission, Petal.”

“Please, may I come, Sir?”

“You may.”

The next cane strike sends me hurtling over the edge, but this time, the vibrator doesn’t stop. Nor does the cane.

“Four more, Petal.”

By the time he wrings that fifth orgasm from me, I’m completely wiped, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to sit down for a week.

“You still owe me cane strokes on your breasts, Petal.”



She’s damned near perfect.

“You’ve been a very good girl for me, Petal. I have many other depravities I would like to visit upon you before our night is through, but I think we both should get a bit of rest, first.”

I unclip the cuffs and tuck her into bed before I grab a bottle of water and a couple squares of chocolate from the mini-fridge. After I open the bottle, I offer it to her. “Drink.” As she guzzles, I unwrap one piece of chocolate ready to feed her once she’s slaked her thirst. She’s finished nearly half the bottle by the time she stops.

“I guess I was thirsty.”

“Indeed, you were. Open, tongue out.” I place the sweet on the tip of her tongue, and she is so damnably sexy.

While she’s enjoying her treat, I strip off and join her in the big bed. And as she snuggles in, I wrap my arms around her, holding her tighter against my body. It doesn’t escape me that she fits exactly right.

“Alex, if you’ve had enough, we can stay just like this,” I offer.

“Oh. Okay. If that’s what you—” She starts to pull away, but I tighten my hold.

“Stop right there. I have enjoyed you immensely, and I’d absolutely like to enjoy more of you, but I don’t want to push you too far. How about we hold off on that decision until after we’ve had some time to rest.”

“I’d like that.”

I wake up an hour later as she’s sneaking out of my bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I thought maybe I should go back to my room while it’s quiet and…”

“We agreed to have a conversation after we’d rested some.”

“You were sleeping, and—”
