Page 12 of Stolen Hearts

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I groan, sinking into my seat as I replay the exchange in the kitchen of the Kildare family home this morning. Castle clearly was giving me an out. He laid that excuse right at my fucking feet, gift-wrapped and with a big bow on it and everything.

And I didn’t take it. Knowingly and willingly, I straight up rejected that offer of a way out. For the last few hours, I’ve been trying to figure out why the actual hell I didn’t just suck it up and lean into the lie that I was wasted or something. That I was drunk and unaware of what I was doing.

It certainly would have made moving forward a fuck of a lot easier.

But deep in my heart I know, sitting here staring at the back of his head, why I didn’t take the out.

Because I don’twantto excuse what happened as a drunken mistake.

Because it wasn’t.

And I want to hold on to that dream a little bit longer, even if it’s clear my ridiculous schoolgirl fantasies about this man are definitely going to stay only that: fantasies.

Castle hits send on the email he was just hammering out. I watch him switch to his tex messages, and then frown when I see his face tighten as he smiles at something. I lean forward a little—like a completely normal person and not a total psycho—to spy on his texts.

Instantly, I wish I hadn’t.

He’s texting awoman. A stunningly gorgeous woman with blonde hair and dark eyes named Loraine, from what I can see from my—totally normal and not-at-all-psycho—spying on his private texts. Loraine, who’s got a million-dollar pearl-white smile and a cowboy hat on her head which doesn’t even look stupid and try-hard, but actually looks super cute on her.

Fuck you, Loraine.

My mouth draws to a line as I watch him smile and text something back. Her brief reply makes my blood turn to fire.

It’s a fucking heart emoji.

Die, Loraine. You fucking bitch.

Instantly, I wince, closing my eyes as I shake my head at myself.

Calm the fuck down, self.

I reach into my bag and pull out the orange prescription bottle, tapping out five milligrams of Ativan and swallowing it dry.

Take that, anxiety spike.

I settle back in my seat, glaring at the fucking emoji on Castle’s phone screen as I wait for the anxiety meds to kick in. But as much as I want to shake it off and remind myself thathe isn’t mine, in any way, shape or form, I can’t. Just like I couldn’t take the easy out this morning.

Because after a year plus of mooning over this man and pining after him, that’s impossible.

And that really, really fucking sucks.

Castle sends a heart emoji back to cunt-face bitch Loraine and then turns his phone off. His shoulders suddenly stiffen. Just before he turns to glance my way, I swivel my chair to re-join Ares and Neve’s conversation with Elsa and Hades about the gala tonight.

But I can feel his eyes on me.

Or at least, I imagine I can.

My phone buzzes in my bag. When I pull it out, I see a text from Stavros.


Yo, what r u doing tonight?

I half turn, straining my eyes to the peripheral to see if Castle is looking at me. He is. At least, I think he is. It’s tough to say without turning around and being awkwardly obvious. But I think he might be. So I make a big show of sending an especially gushy text back to Stavros, with my phone angled up, just in case Castleislooking this way. Pathetic? Yes. Makes me feel better? Also yes.


