Page 69 of Stolen Hearts

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Son. Of. A.Bitch.

Yeah, I just walked right the fuck into that one.

“Myproblem, Callie,” I snap, “is that you don’t follow the fucking rules.Ever. And from now on, if you can’t do that, and if you act like a fucking child, there will be consequences. Now, get in the damn—”

“Like what?”

I tense. “Excuse me?”

“What. Consequences,” she smirks at me.

I slowly shake my head, hating that I’m relishing the way her breath catches and her nipples harden a bit more when I move closer, pinning her to the car at her back.

“Don’t push me, baby girl.”

Heat explodes behind her big blue eyes and deep in her cheeks.

“What are the consequences, Castle?” she breathes heavily.

I bristle. Every nerve in my body jolts with electricity, and my brain screams at me to walk the hell away from this dumpster fire right now, before the energy crackling between me and the girl I can’t touch incinerates us both.

“Get in the car.”

Somehow—God only knows how—I turn and march around to the driver’s side door and climb inside. Callie stands there petulantly. When I rev the engine, she slides into the passenger seat and slams her door shut.

* * *


She was quiet on the drive, sitting in the passenger seat sulking and staring out the window. But we’ve barely made in the front door before she’s started up again.

I need a fucking drink. Callie follows me as I climb the stairs to the third-floor library.

The problem isn’t just that she’s a brat. I mean,yeah, she is. But if she were a snotty, pampered one, or one of those social media girls obsessed with themselves and their dumb, vapid lives, it would be easy enough to ignore.

But that isn’t Callie. She’s sharp and witty, and smart—too smart for her own good, honestly. The issue is, she’sjustbratty enough to get under my skin, and justherenough to fuckin’ stay there.

“Well, what,” I snap as step into the library and cross the room to the bar cart.

“You said there’d be consequences. I’d like to know what they are. Better yet, what these mysterious, mercurial rules of yours even are that willwarrantan as-yet undefined ‘consequence’ if broken.”

Jesus Christ, this girl.

“Don’t,” I sigh.

“I’m just asking—”

“And I’mtellingyou. Stop playing fucking games, Callie.”

“C’mon! I can’t just blindly follow rules when I don’t know—”

“How about listening to me just for fuckingonce.”

“You’re not my father.”

“No,” I snap back. “But I’m your…”

I trail off as I pour a glass of whiskey and raise it, swirling the liquid around and turning to level a hard look at her.
