Page 33 of The Criminal

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“It’s bad, isn’t it?”

I nodded.

“I’ll take Betty home. Lamar has helped me train dogs for years. You go be a hero.”

I paused and looked between Betty and Lee, the soldier part of my brain screaming to leave and get to the agency where I was needed. “You’re sure?”

Lee moved close, cupped my jaw. “I don’t do favors for everyone, Boy Scout.” Her voice was a delicate caress against my skin.

She tilted my head and pressed her lips to mine. I slipped willingly under the tidal wave. I anchored myself with a hand on her hip and let go. The kiss was deep and languid. Anger and frustration were the last things I felt. No, this experience was bliss of a different kind. Nothing like before.

The slow meeting of our tongues as they danced together felt right. It wasn’t a violent crash building toward a massive explosion. The kiss had a different, easy kind of passion. Like a lazy Sunday morning. It was a kiss to luxuriate in. Sadly, this was neither the time nor the place.

I pulled back, feathering a final peck high on her cheekbone. “Thank you.”

I walked away, not looking back. Not even a Navy SEAL has that kind of willpower.

Chapter 15


Icircledmyneckand stretched. My eyes were bleary from looking at the computer screen as I balanced Oleander’s books. Good news: we were still making money without the shady deals from Uncle Jimmy. Bad news: I felt like I was living on borrowed time, waiting for his next ultimatum. He didn’t send Tony all the way to Florida to work on his tan.

The unease about Uncle Jimmy’s next move was why I’d yet to call my security expert to search my car for Derek’s tracking device. I kind of hated myself for the weakness, but with Derek knowing where my car was at all times, I felt safer.

I’d done it alone for a long time. Accepting help, even this small amount, went against my usual pattern.

My cell phone buzzed with an incoming text message.

Unknown Number: I’m exhausted.

Anything to avoid the spreadsheets for a few minutes.

Lee: Who is this?

Unknown Number: Derek. Thanks for taking Betty home.

Lee: No problem. Wait. How did you get my number?

Derek: I’ve had it for years. Your mom gave it to me.

I looked at the phone and blinked. He’d kept my number. I don’t think I even wrote his down when Mom forced it on me. The thought was bittersweet. Mom and I had mended fences before she passed, but nothing between us had been the same after Ray died and I moved north.

Lee: Sounds like her. How did your emergency go?

Derek: Handled. I’ve been awake most of the last three days.

I had a pretty good guess that the Smith Agency emergency had been the kidnapping of billionaire Arthur Leck’s niece. The timing fit perfectly. The story had been all over the local news. People were freaking out that South Florida was going to become a hotbed for the kidnapping-for-ransom business like in Mexico.

Lee: Three days. Take a nap!

Derek: Nap? Never.

I smiled. Of course he didn’t nap. It was a guilty pleasure.

Lee: Really?

Derek: Does passing out in the back of a C130 transport over the Persian Gulf count?
