Page 51 of The Criminal

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“It was amazing while it lasted.” Onyx licked my palm and gave me a sweet doggy smile.

I got Onyx and myself in the car and blindly pointed it toward the Cuban restaurant where the takeout I’d ordered was waiting. Derek’s and my last meal together. I wish I’d picked something more memorable than beans and rice.

Chapter 26


Ireachedforthebottle of white wine on the island and was surprised to find it almost empty. I’d opened it for Lee when she arrived. We hadn’t even sat down to eat yet. She didn’t usually drink this much.

The moment she walked in, I could tell she was stressed. Her body language was jerky and her face was pulled tight in an awful grimace of a smile instead of the genuine one I adored. If we had a normal relationship, I’d offer to listen to her problems, but that wasn’t my role. I shook my head and got a fresh bottle out of the fridge and poured myself a reasonable glass.

I understood demons. And I wanted to help her fight hers, but it wasn’t my place.

“Lee, sit. I’ll get everything.” I waved at the food I’d plated up from the takeout containers. She’d brought a nice array of traditional Cuban food, from black beans and rice to a beef Picadillo spotted with fat green olives. It smelled good, but she didn’t seem nearly as interested in the food as her wine.

“Sure. Okay. Fine.” She stood from her barstool at the island and stopped to take a big swig from her glass.

There was desperation in the way she sucked down the pinot grigio that I hated. I pulled her into my arms. Her body was stiff as a board and vibrating with tension. She started to pull away, but I clamped my arms around her, not letting go. She rooted her face against my chest and shoulder as a shudder passed through her. I thought she might relax and accept the comfort I offered. Instead, after a moment, her jaw clenched, and she jerked free of my embrace.

Pain like a knife slicing between my ribs filled my chest. She walked toward the dining room without looking back, and I questioned the entire premise we built our stupid agreement on. If I couldn’t help her and support her now, what good was I to her? I was no better than a booty call. Or some guy she might pick up at a bar.

The stark realization cut deep. We were using each other.

The silence in the dining room was oppressive. I set down the food and called up a playlist of salsa music to fill the void. Tonight, I doubted we’d talk much. Lee wasn’t in a good place, and the longer she stewed, the worse I felt about it.

We filled our plates without talking. It was uncomfortable. Onyx could sense the tension and didn’t stay in the dining room hoping for table scraps. He trotted over to the rug in the living room with his tail low, like he shared his mistress’s bad mood, and went to sleep.

“How was work today?” I couldn’t take the silence. The only thing worse was watching Lee push food around her plate without eating. Not that I’d tasted anything I’d shoved in my mouth.

“Fine.” Her voice was flat. Dead.

“Any big sales?”

She shrugged and took another drink.

“How’s Sara?”

“Fine.” She held the glass up to the light, contemplating the remaining sip.

“Are you feeling, okay?” I didn’t hide my frustration and let it lace my words.

She wouldn’t meet my eyes but did slam back the last of the pinot.

“You opened another bottle, right?” She was already standing and moving to retrieve the wine I’d left in the kitchen.

“You’re drunk.”

“I am not.” She swung back toward me, all anger and frustration. She was itching for a fight, the resentment coming off her in waves.

“You will be. You’ve had a bottle of wine and not eaten.” I sounded like a scolding parent.

“Thank you, mister moderation. But I’m not drunk. I’m buzzed.”

“Sit. Eat. Everything will be better after some food.”

“I feel fine. In fact, I feel great. I’m letting my hair down. Not worrying about consequences. Living la vida loca.”

“Crazy is right.” My muttered comment didn’t go over well.
