Page 88 of The Criminal

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“The handoff is set for tomorrow.” It was John Smith.

“I’ll tell Lee.” I wouldn’t have to. Curled in my lap, she could hear both sides of my call.

“Good. With Tony in Uncle Jimmy’s hands, she should have her life back by the end of the week.”

John hung up.

“What you think about that, Ms. Vance?”

“I think it’s a reason to celebrate. What if we check out the bedroom this time?” She gave me a seductive smile.

We helped each other up from the floor and, holding hands and kissing, we stumbled toward the bedroom. I took my hands off her long enough to open the door, and we both staggered to a halt in shock. This room was tailor-made for shooting throwback porn movies: silver and black foil wallpaper, clear acrylic furniture, and oversized erotic black-and-white framed prints on the walls.

“Is that a waterbed?” Lee barely contained her laughter.

“I think so. And how about the zebra hide rug?” It still had a mane and tail, so weird.

Lee put her finger under my chin and tipped my head back. “You missed the best part.”

Above the silk-sheeted waterbed hung a large mirror.

“Is that hot?” I asked her. But the images playing in my head told me it was. Really hot.

Lee shimmed out of her wrinkled dress and walked naked to the bed. She sat primly on the side and patted the tufted black comforter with one hand, sending a wave across the gelatinous surface.

I stripped as I walked toward her, tossing my clothes aside, not caring where they landed. When I reached the bed, I put one knee on the edge and cupped her face. She was looking at me with all the trust and longing I’d thought my rough handling might have destroyed. Fuck, this woman was amazing.

I tumbled us back into the marshmallow bed, and we both giggled.

“Who gets to watch first?” I asked.

“I think if you let me straddle this”—she grabbed my hardening shaft with one hand and pumped—“we can both watch the mirror.”

“I love the way you think.” Rolling, I pulled her on top of me and sealed our lips together.

I couldn’t help but sneak a look at the ceiling. The reflected image was fucking hot. Lee draped over me as we embraced. I grabbed one of her luscious ass cheeks and kneaded the flesh. Oh yeah, the seventies might have been a sexier decade than we remembered.

Chapter 46


“TherewasanFBIraid on the handoff.” Steel paced the length of the conference room. “Coyote and his guys barely got out of there. They think I set them up.” He was pissed.

I took Lee’s hand under the table and squeezed. She and I arrived at the Smith Agency offices just before five a.m. We’d been nursing cups of coffee and waiting for Steel to brief us on the early morning handoff of Tony to Uncle Jimmy’s representatives. It hadn’t gone well.

I couldn’t tell what Lee was thinking. She stared straight ahead at the blank whiteboard, not saying a word. But she gripped my hand so tightly, it was near painful. Her money had paid the bikers that acted as our delivery service.

“Coyote knew there was a risk. People don’t pay fifteen thousand dollars for someone to take a ride on a motorcycle out into the Everglades unless there’s a reason.” John tapped a finger on the tabletop as he considered the situation. “Your bikers said FBI? Could it have been Homeland?”

“They aren’t my bikers.” Steel ground out the words with an angry growl. He and John rarely butted heads, but this was an area where Steel could be…touchy. “Coyote didn’t ask to see their badges. Half his guys have open warrants, and all of them have arrest records.” Steel looked ready to punch a wall. Or John.

“Is this bad?” Lee asked me the question in a whisper, her eyes ping-ponging back and forth between John and Steel. I wished I knew if it was good or bad. Only time would tell. I gave her a reassuring look; it was all I could offer. We’d have to see how things unfolded.

“Coyote said it was a full-on raid. The feds scooped up Tony and all the guys that Uncle Jimmy sent to collect him. Everyone is in custody now.” Steel collapsed into a chair with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

“Good news for you, Ms. Vance. Your life is now your own, courtesy of the FBI.” John nodded to Lee, then stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to make some calls.”

He left the three of us looking around the conference room at each other. That was abrupt.
