Page 91 of The Criminal

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I rolled down the windows in the Bentley as soon as I was clear of the parking structure at the Sunrise Lux building. Onyx in the passenger seat shoved his nose out the window. My hair blew around my face in a wild mess, and I laughed.

Fuck yeah! I’d done it. We’d done it. I pounded my fists against the steering wheel.

Derek had changed my life for the better in every way. I was free and in love. It felt incredible. The lightness that infused my body was a better high than any drug.

The only way it could be more perfect was if, tonight, Derek was coming to my place to cook dinner and watch Netflix on my gigantic television.

I pouted for a moment—stupid ambassador. Derek was becoming something of an addiction, one I had no plans to give up. My teenage crush realized in full, glorious technicolor.

I took a deep breath and mentally thanked Ray. He was long gone, but he still had power on this earth.Thank you, big brother. Derek came through for you when I needed it most. Love you.

I cranked up the radio and sang along. I’d never felt the lyrics to “Girl on Fire” more in my life. Nothing, not even Miami traffic, would bring my mood down from the stratosphere today. I was a woman on fire!

Everything was right in my world—sunshine and roses.

I loved my store, and I’d bust my ass to make it better than ever. My first order of business was to let Sara know how much I appreciated her stepping up while I dealt with a ‘family emergency’ this week. It was time to make Sara more than an employee. I would attempt to be her friend from now on. Learn about her life and share some of mine.

Hell, we might have to talk about her becoming a minority owner in Oleander. It would be great to share some burdens of management with someone that had an ownership interest. I liked that idea a lot.

When I pulled into the parking spot behind the store, I was still rocking out. I looked in the mirror on my car’s visor and laughed. My long hair was a fiasco. I dug into my purse for a brush and smoothed it as best I could.

“What do you say, ready to sell some pretty things, big dog?” I ruffled his fluffy head. “If you’re good, we’ll hit the dog park on the way home.”

He cocked his head like he was considering the offer. He was so damn goofy.

I yanked the brush through my hair a few more times, looking in the mirror at the progress I wasn’t making. Good enough. Resigned, I dug for a hair tie in my purse while pushing open the car door.

All I saw was a blur of black fur as Onyx scrambled over the armrest and across me. His paws dug into my lap, and he launched from the open car door. At the same time, a hand grabbed my upper arm and jerked me from the seat. My ass hit the pavement hard. Pain screamed up my side and the back of my skull where it smacked into the car.

I flipped my wild hair out of my eyes. Onyx had his jaws locked around Tony’s left arm, snarling and growling.

Tony was trying to shake my dog loose; Onyx wouldn’t let go. Not until I gave the command. Tony’s eyes were wild. He looked unhinged. The last time--the only other time--I’d seen him like this was the day he nearly beat me to death. He lunged forward and kicked out at me as I huddled on the ground.

“Bitch. All this is your fault.” Unbalanced by Onyx’s weight, Tony’s kick had little force behind it. I was slow but still able to block most of the impact with my forearm. I was pinned between the car and Tony. No escape, no way to get to my feet.

He redoubled his effort to get Onyx off him, cursing and swearing. I saw a glint of steel in his hand as he raised a blade above Onyx’s back. A fucking knife. No. Not my dog. Not me. Not when I had a new life right there waiting for me to live it.

My purse was still in my lap. In a move I’d practiced a million times, I slid my hand into the narrow pocket where my .22 rested. The cold weight of the familiar gun gave me confidence. I blindly clicked off the safety. I didn’t even bother to pull the gun free of the handbag.

“Onyx, release,” I shouted. His jaws unclamped. Before his paws hit the ground, I’d put a bullet in Tony’s chest. I followed it up with two more slugs. At this close range and the way he crumpled to the ground, I knew he was dead.

Onyx rushed to my side. His head bumped mine, and he licked my face. My legs gave out when I tried to stand. I looked down. Bright crimson stained my white blouse. I ran my shaking hands over Onyx, looking for an injury to explain the blood. But then the pain in my side blossomed, growing bigger, consuming me, and I knew it was my blood.

Tony must have caught me with the knife as he jerked me from the car.

The contents of my purse were scattered around me. Black spots clouded the edges of my awareness, but I located my phone. I fumbled for it and pressed some buttons.

“The Smith Agency, can I help you?” Her voice sounded so far away.

“Quinn, I killed Tony.” The words came out more breath than sound.

I slumped back against my car. The phone fell from my hand. My last conscious thought wasgood boy, Onyxas I tangled my hands in his silky coat.

Chapter 48


Iduckedunderayellow police line, pulling Quinn with me. She insisted on driving so I didn’t kill anyone. The entire way, I’d been calling Lee’s cell. Nothing. I banged on the security door at Oleander until someone buzzed us inside.
