Page 95 of The Criminal

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“You’ll think of something. Now I’m getting off. I haven’t had coffee, and I have a conference call with Europe at seven. Good luck. And donottell him I told you anything.”

“You’re coming to the party tonight, right?”

“Absolutely. I think all of us will be there.”

“Come with ideas for what I can buy Derek.”

She was laughing at me as she hung up.


“Damn, this place is gorgeous. You did good.” Steel bumped my shoulder with his as he took in the family room of Lee’s home… Our home. At moments like this, I was still adjusting to the idea of living here. The house was like something from a magazine. It was surreal.

“Lee is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I smiled. It was the truth. But I had lost track of her about fifteen minutes ago. Shit.

“Good. You needed someone to make you more human. All the moderation and good behavior, I was feeling like a degenerate around you.” Steel shot me a raised eyebrow.

“Um, yeah.” I wiped my hands down the front of my slacks and patted the ring box in my pocket. I looked around for Lee in the sea of people. Over two hundred individuals were on the carefully vetted guest list. Our house was overflowing with food, wine, decorations, and holiday cheer.

My skin crawled, and I was rethinking my plan. I was an idiot.

“You okay?” Steel searched my face; his hard, intelligent eyes didn’t miss a thing.

“I should go check the lights on the Christmas tree…in the living room.” She’d been in there last I saw her—holding court.

“I’m serious.” He caught my arm before I could walk off.

“Nerves.” I’d hinted to him last week that I might do a big thing at the party. Make a grand gesture.

“You’re an idiot.” He smacked me on the back. “Good luck. I’ll go find the bar on my own.”

I moved past the piano player hired to add ambiance to the library. Through the kitchen overflowing with catering staff. And out into the living room. The professionally decorated tree looked magnificent. No reason to check on it.

I scanned the room for Lee. In deference to the holiday, she wore an emerald green gown with a ridiculous set of rubies borrowed from Oleander’s inventory—it would be impossible to overlook her. She wasn’t here. Maybe at the door greeting late arrivals?

I took out my cell and texted Damon Brooks. He’d volunteered to head security tonight. He wasn’t a party guy. He had a team of Smith Agency freelancers and Miami cops backing him up.

Derek: Situation?

Brooks: Normal.

Derek: Seen Lee?

Brooks: Negative. I’m at the front door.

My nerves about proposing faded as a fresh worry cropped up. It was my prerogative to be paranoid. I loved her. I cut through the party guests, not stopping to chat or caring if I stepped on toes and jostled champagne glasses.

In our study, I clicked the mouse on the computer while it woke up. I opened the wall safe to retrieve my 9mm and a few clips. The gun fit comfortably in the small of my back under my coat. The clips bumped against her ring box in my pocket.

I clicked between the security camera views. The same feeds that Brooks and his team were looking at. Nothing exciting. And no Lee.

I circled back through the house and bolted up the stairs. Our bedroom wasn’t on the cameras. As I ran down the hall, the nagging bad feeling grew urgent. I shoved open the double doors. The suite was empty and silent.


Stop. Calm down. I took a breath.

I grabbed my phone and texted Brooks.
