Page 37 of Just a Client

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It was one kiss. We got caught up in the moment. I had zero claim, nor did I want to make one. Two dates were my habitual limit for a reason. In two dates, no one got attached. Now, with one kiss, I’d developed caveman tendencies. There’s got to be something in the water in Texas.

As Jethro continued to fawn over Cameron, my hands balled into fists. My LA lawyer would probably charge me double his normal exorbitant rate to defend me against charges of assaulting a law enforcement officer in Texas.

I cleared my throat twice before Deputy Jethro looked my way. With effort, I opened my clenched fist and held it out, waiting for him to walk over and shake. It was the least violent way I could think of to get his hands off my—real estate agent.

Our greeting was stiff as we sized each other up. Cameron stammered her way through an awkward introduction. Jethro wasn’t a fan of being relegated to the position of one of her brother’s deputies. And I chafed, only slightly less, at being labeled her new client from California.

Both descriptions, while entirely accurate, were, I feared, woefully shortsighted on her part.

The entire situation reminded me of two male dogs sizing each other up before fighting over a bone. Not a flattering analogy for any of us.

Our awkward trio stared at one another for a few painfully long seconds.

Cameron’s cheeks were pink, and I considered the cause. My kiss, Jethro’s attention, or the wholly uncomfortable mood that permeated the air. I’d never know.

A primal caveman urge had me moving closer to her and trying to drape an arm over her shoulder. She gave me the full-on hairy eyeball and shrugged away to follow Jethro to the dead ATV.

Not my best move. Not even close.

Shit, I didn’t recall the last time I needed moves. Most women in LA threw themselves at me. I represented access to so much that they wanted—money, power, and influence. I’d become a romance cynic with zero game.

Good to know.

I glanced down at my new-to-me boots. I’d happily trade them for an insight into her thoughts on our kiss. Because I was flying blind. This was so out of character for me. I couldn’t remember a woman jumbling my thoughts like this—since Veronica.

“You two are in a pickle.” Jethro summed up the situation after trying to start our ATV with no more success than Cameron.

“The one in the pickle is the Realtor who assured me this hunk of junk was in working order. I’m going to give her an earful.” Cameron kicked the big black tire of the offending motor vehicle.

“Easy, Cami. No big thing, I got this.” Deputy Jethro’s chest expanded and nearly popped the buttons on his shirt as he struck a Superman pose.

“Great.” She crossed her arms over her chest, her spine so stiff she seemed to vibrate.

“You know I love nothing better than to rescue a damsel in distress.” Jethro produced a tow rope and started looping it around the hitch on the department ATV.

One of her eyebrows twitched at his description of her as a damsel.

“Thank you.” Her tone was heavy with sarcasm.

“You are always welcome.” He purred before turning to me to explain the plan to tow the dead SUV down the hill while I rode it and worked the brakes.

“Me? I’m sure I could manage, but Cameron would be the better choice.” I shuffled closer to her but kept my hands to myself. Lesson learned.

Jethro glanced between me and her, confused. “You want Cami to drive?”

“How do you think I got up here?” I asked.

Jethro’s forehead wrinkled, and he looked me up and down, trying to diagnose my manhood malfunction.

At any moment, I expected Cameron would lose her temper. In LA, most women would have already kicked Jethro in the balls for his sexist mansplaining. And in a pickle, I figured Cameron was the type to fight dirty.

“You rode bitch?” He sniggered.

I shrugged. Not my job to enlighten the Neanderthal about how enjoyable a ride it was. He was young; he’d learn someday... maybe. Eh, not my problem.

“Enough.” Cameron threw a leg over the dead ATV and pointed to the tow rope. “Let’s get this done. Daylight is burning.”

Jethro and I pushed the dead ATV into position behind the other one and connected the tow rope. He straddled the department’s machine and revved the engine.
