Page 78 of Just a Client

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“Only if that turns you on.” He winked.

I pulled up the post. It was a still photo. Wilson’s hands were clearly grabbing my ass, and we were deeply involved in finding each other’s tonsils, yet it was still tasteful-ish. Wanda’s caption read:Spotted around town. The newest lovebirds in Elmer.

I passed him the phone to see.

“We look hot.”

“Two forty-somethings necking in the street like teens... yes, very hot.” More like ridiculous. I snort-laughed and instantly slammed my hand over my mouth to stifle the unladylike sound.

He pulled my hand away from my face. And boom, a flash blinded me. He’d taken my picture.

“What are you doing?” I asked between giggling gasps, wiping at a stray tear on my cheek.

“These two photos are what I’ll be posting every year on this day. The official anniversary of when...” he cocked his head, deliberating his next words, “we started dating.”

I heard the buzz of his phone; he’d texted himself the picture of me. I took my cell back from him and stared at the image. It made my breath catch. In the slightly out-of-focus image, I looked happier than I had in ages. Even my eye wrinkles radiated joy. If this was how he wanted to fan the flames of local gossip, I was perfectly fine with that.

“So we’re official.”

“Hell yes. Let me take you home and show you.” He closed the check folder and stood, offering me his hand. He tugged me up, and I tottered on my high heels.

“These shoes will be the death of me.” I pressed my hands flat on his chest for balance.

“Only if you die from an orgasm.”

“Excuse me?” I blinked, sure I’d misunderstood.

“You naked in those shoes. Me behind—“

I cut off the rest of his sentence with a finger over his lips. “Anything you want. But not here. The walls have ears.” And my panties would melt if he kept talking in the gravelly voice he saved for when he was being seductive.

He groaned and dragged me out to the car, murmuring seductive promises the whole way. Reaching past me to open my door, he pulled me close, a hand slipping inside the slit of my dress and up my thigh to graze my panties.

“I’ve missed touching you.” His words fanned over my ear. His knuckle rubbed the thin black silk over my clit, teasing long enough to have me swaying on my feet.

“Take me home. Now, please.” I gasped. Then again, we’d had the safe sex talk. He could push me up against the car and go for it right here. We had all the necessary ingredients: me wet and ready, him hard and willing. The flash of headlights on the other end of the parking lot reminded me of what a bad idea that would be.

“As you wish.” Oh yesssss, his sexy voice did things to my insides. Delicious things.

Once we were both seated and the car was on the road, he reached across and grasped my leg. The hot, heavy weight of his hand so maddingly close to the apex of my thighs had me whimpering the whole drive back to his place.

He slammed the car into park in the driveway and took my lips in a searing kiss so savage our teeth bumped.

“I need you so badly, I’m shaking.” He held his trembling hand out to prove it, then launched from the car.

He jerked open my door, bent down, and tugged me from the passenger seat and up on to his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. My shriek of surprised laughter rang out, echoing down the canyon loud enough to startle any wildlife in the vicinity.

“That will not be the last time I make you scream tonight.” He carried me up the front walk and into the house. Hanging upside down, I grabbed his shirt, untucking it from his pants. I needed to touch skin. My greedy fingers pushed the material up and away, and I pressed an open-mouth kiss to his lower back. The taste of salt and man flooded my senses.

He didn’t set me down until we reached the long bench at the foot of his king-sized bed. His hands were everywhere, first undoing the knot that held my dress, then unclasping my bra, and last shoving my damp silk panties down to tangle on my red heels. He drank in my naked body with appreciation, touching and caressing as he unwrapped me.

“Don’t you dare step out of those shoes.” His voice trembled with barely contained lust. I almost came on the spot.

“Anything you say.”

“Cameron.” My darkly muttered name sounded like a prayer and a curse.

He pushed me forward until my knees landed on the upholstered bench. On all fours, I grabbed a fistful of the comforter. He pulled the underwear off my feet, careful not to dislodge the red high heels. A rustle of clothing, and he was naked too.
