Page 83 of Just a Client

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The flush on his chiseled cheekbones told me all I needed or wanted to know on that topic. I shouldn’t have asked.

“She’s a really nice person.” His adoring eyes didn’t stray from her as she and Wilson performed for Kate’s camera crew.

I stifled a chuckle. Nice didn’t seem like the correct word in this situation, but I’d let it slide.

“Kelly will be ready to feed the masses starting about three o’clock.”

“Please tell me he’s making the pecan coleslaw.” Jethro practically salivated at the thought.

“Of course.”

We had ordered all the favorites, and with the extra staff we hired, Kelly had delivered. He and the kitchen crew cooked for two days straight in a temporary kitchen in one of the big white party tents near the ranch house.

“I told Tracie she had to try it. She’s a vegetarian, so BBQ isn’t her thing, really.”

The interview looked to be wrapping up. Tracie and Wilson joked around as Kate directed a couple of reshoots to correct a few baubles they’d made. Blue Star would again look great on TV. The big sky, open vistas, and rolling hills were a cameraperson’s wet dream.

The TV crew had set up the interview in the shade on a small rise below the main house. Behind Tracie and Wilson, the viewer would see not only the home but also the four massive white tents that had been rented for the Fourth of July Picnic. Wilson had no idea what an undertaking the party would be when he shouted that invitation back in the spring. The rest of his impromptu apology had been perfection. It made me realize how in love with him I was. He willingly laid it all out for the town and asked forgiveness. My heart sang just remembering it.

The party had been one step too far.

People planned big Fourth of July celebrations like this one starting on July fifth the prior year, so we’d been way behind.

We’d had to rent tents from San Antonio and portable air conditioners from Houston. And bring caterers in from Dallas to assist Elmer's favorite Kelly Green’s Hill Country BBQ in feeding everyone. We would welcome anyone who showed up after the town parade with food, beverages, and music.

The night would culminate in a firework show that cost a staggering amount of money because Wilson had insisted on hiring a team that specialized in silent fireworks. The company promised their display wouldn’t disturb the ranch’s cattle and horses with booming explosions. Wilson had developed an incredibly strong attachment to his cattle. So much so that Atley and I were both concerned that he might balk when it came time to send some of his favorites to the butcher.

“Cut!” Kate’s command was music to my ears.

I rushed toward Wilson. When he turned, I walked into his arms for a hug and a kiss. While planning for today had been stressful, through it all, we managed without a single fight. It helped that I’d taken an advisory role and let Wilson and his personal assistant in California handle the details. I didn’t have time to wrangle a party for the whole town. I’d been way too busy buying and selling houses. Since episode one of Vacation Dream Homes aired, I’d been swamped with new deep-pocket clients from as far away as Germany.

“That looked good. How do you think it went?” I leaned back in his embrace and tipped up the brim of my cowboy hat to look at him. The glint in his honey-brown eyes and the fine web of wrinkles that appeared at the corners when he’d smile did things to my insides. And I knew it always would. Every day, the connection we shared strengthened. Some days, I couldn’t believe we hadn’t known each other for decades. We finished each other’s sentences and knew what the other was thinking... most of the time.

“Kate at no point threatened me with death, so I’ll say it was stellar.” He scooted a hand lower to take a handful of my butt and squeeze. Yeah, we were as gross as a pair of hormone-addled teenagers, or so Bailey had informed us on many occasions.

“She’s mean, but she gets results. Vacation Dream Homes is kicking ass in the ratings. It’s all because of Kate.”

“I like to think Blue Star, you, and I played a part.” He let me slip from his arms but kept one hand in my back pocket, anchoring me to his side.

“Hey, what about me? I’m in every episode in every town with every buyer.” Tracie had a hand on her hip and tapped her cowboy-booted toe in the grass. A small folding fan waved quickly back and forth in one hand, an attempt to salvage her makeup. I assumed mine was already a sweaty mess. Thankfully, Stephen and the rest of the wardrobe crew wouldn’t see the melted makeup until the Fourth of July party started. No way he’d chase me around the tent with blotting paper in front of the whole town. Then again, to be safe, I might just scrub it off.

“She has a point.” Jethro wrapped an arm over Tracie’s shoulder in a proud and possessive way. They were so cute together; I hoped long distance worked out for them.

“Fair enough. I concede Tracie is the best.” Wilson dipped his hat toward the other couple.

“Hell, yeah, she is.” Kate pulled a headset off and joined us. “Mark my words. Tracie, you’re going to be more than a reality TV show host in no time.”

Tracie tittered and blushed, but I figured Kate was right. She wasn’t the type to make false promises.

“Should we all head up to the house, grab a cold beer? It’ll be an hour or so before the town descends on us like BBQ-eating locusts.” Wilson gestured at the house.

After Wilson’s dunking by Jethro at the spring festival, the two men had developed an odd friendship. One based on baseball, beer, and feeding King Charles, The Pub’s cat, as many hotdogs as the ill-tempered feline would eat.

“Rain check. I’ve got exteriors to shoot with the crew.” Kate gave us a quick salute and was off, her sassy ponytail sapped of its signature bounce by the heat.

The walk back to the house was an easy one, the path one of my favorites, with its view of the house on one side and the main ranch road on the other. We walked, chatting companionably and sweating in the ninety-two-degree heat. The temperature today was an improvement from last week when every day was over one hundred.

“Good thing it’s my day off. Someone deserves a speeding ticket.” Jethro pointed to a trail of dust streaming behind a gray minivan hauling ass over the rutted ranch road. We all stopped in the house’s driveway and turned to look.
