Page 42 of Embracing Darkness

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The moment Ada had left, I had moved around my office and thrown everything into a safe under the floorboards. The government had given me a few different precautions, but I would have to report this incident. Either they’d deem my house too risky to keep working out of or they’d pull me off the project. At this point, I wasn’t sure my work was worth the hassle. It wasjusta dissertation after all.

“Rhys, sweetheart, stop thinking so hard,” Dmitri placed a kiss just behind my ear, tightening his arms around my waist.

I sat up, looking around my living room, wondering how they were okay just lounging around, waiting for something to happen. I had watched enough TV to know that there were three very lethal men surrounding me and one kid who had been through more than most people had been through in a lifetime. “I’m not thinking hard.”

Gianni burst out laughing from his perch on the other couch as he popped another handful of popcorn into his mouth. “Seriously? I can hear your thoughts from here.”

Valentyn sat up and dragged me into his lap, my body falling with an unpleasant thud as I collided with his chest. “I understand the worry, which is why I think we have to do things a little differently.” He kissed the bridge of my nose before standing me up and following him. “Your mind is always working, always running through scenarios and situations. It’s what you do. It’s your entire job. What we need to do is get it to stop working.”

“What?” How was that even possible?

Valentyn gestured for Gianni to follow as he stood, Dmitri grunting from his seat. “Seriously?Pavalis here.”

“And he’s sleeping. Make sure he stays that way.” Valentyn grabbed my hand and guided me to the bedroom, my eyes widening when Gianni stepped in after us and closed the door. “What’s your favorite topic, Rhys?”

“Um… statistics?”

Gianni laughed. “Of course it is. We want you to tell us all about it.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Wait, really?” Owen hadneverasked me about the math I did or the classes I took. Hell, no one could understand much of what came out of my mouth when it came to academics. I couldn’t blame them but it still hurt that no one was at least interested in what I did all day. Giddy, I took a seat on my bed, grinning as I started spewing about algorithms and formulas that I had found in my freshman year.

It wasn’t until I was halfway through a proof that I noticed both men were sitting at my sides and my pants had disappeared. I jerked forward when Valentyn’s hand grabbed my cock through my boxers, Gianni’s lips attached to my neck. “Wait… what—ungh— shit—I thought-”

“Too much thinking,” Gianni whispered, continuing to suck on the sensitive skin, one of his hands roaming as it slipped beneath my shirt and started circling one of my nipples. He pinched the erect nub and I cried out before biting my tongue.

“Paval’s out there!” I hissed.

Valentyn just smiled as he turned my attention to him, still stroking me in antagonizingly slow movements. “And Dmitri is out there making sure he’s asleep. Rhys, we’re going to take you out of your head for a little bit.”


“No buts, sweetheart. You need a break. A break from all the chaos in your head. A break fromhimand your sister and everything else that is plaguing you. So, we’re going to help you with that and then we’re going to get something to eat and figure all this shit out.”

“But,” I continued to stutter, Gianni pulling away with a deep sigh.

“Val, I think it’s time for something a little more… rigorous. He’s stillthinking.”

I was, I totally was but just the thought of whatever they were going to do to me had me even harder than before, whining for release. Just as I went to start pumping into Valentyn’s fist, he pulled away.

“I agree with that. Rhys, do you trust me?”

He waited for me to respond, seemingly knowing that I was going to hesitate. “Yes,” I finally answered.

“Good, then come here.” He climbed onto my mattress fully, his body positioned sideways across my bed, his feet dangling off the other side. I frowned as he waved me over, Gianni grinning as he manhandled my body and twisted me around until I was face-to-face with one of the most glorious cocks I had ever seen.

“When the fuck did you get naked?”

Gianni chuckled. “When you were spouting about shit that made no fucking sense to us earthlings. The smile on your face though was worth every fucking word I didn’t understand. You ready?”

I didn’t get a chance to say yes before Val swallowed my dick and I lurched forward in shock. I should have known that his mouth was heaven, hell he had taken me a few nights ago but I had been so panicky at that point that I couldn’t really appreciate it.

Deciding to give in, I leaned forward and licked his tip, the man’s massive thighs twitching with pleasure. I sucked him into my mouth, loving the weight of his cock on my tongue and the salty taste on my lips. I moaned as Valentyn’s hands gripped my ass, slowly kneading the flesh as he swirled his tongue around my dick.

Fucking hell.

I definitely wasn’t thinking about math right now.

“Can you take more, Rhys?”
