Page 45 of Embracing Darkness

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I had no idea how he could fucking ask that question as I shook my head, wrapping a hand around his neck and pulling him back to my lips. “Never.”

God, I loved everything about this man, the sweetness, the tenderness, and the way he could switch it on a dime and then fuck me into oblivion. I missed this, all of this, all of the nuances of a relationship that Owen had denied me.

“And now?” I whispered when I came up for air.

Dmitri sighed, “I’m not sure. I just know that I want this.”

“This?” I knew I was playing with fire, asking questions that would give me answers I wasn’t sure I was ready for.

“Yes, Love.This.I don’t want it to end. I don’t want it to just be a job. I don’t want us to just be here because of Owen or your project or the kitchen renovation that you don’t really need.”

“Oh.” I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips as I reached up to drag him into another kiss. He was saying that he wanted this not because it had to be but because he wanted it to be. I threw my leg over his hip, one of those beautiful hands squeezing the underside of my thigh as his other arm curled around my back and dragged me closer to his chest. His tongue swiped along the seam of my lips, before slipping into my mouth and dancing with mine. He swallowed one of the moans that escaped me, chuckling as I rocked my hips against him.

My cock hardened as it pressed against his, his arousal thickening and pressing against me. Too soon, he tore his lips away from me, the deep blues of his eyes sparkling with desire. “As much as I want to take you on this couch, Love, you need to sleep. I’m not going to ruin your health for pleasure.”

I knew he was right but I kind ofreallywanted this as I chased his lips, Dmitri’s hand on my thigh squeezing until it was almost painful. “What the fuck?” I hissed.

“Be a good boy and go to sleep and I promise you that I’ll fuck you in the shower in the morning.” That wasn’t helping the rock-hard case in my shorts but I complied anyway, trying to think of dead spiders and Ada’s terrible personality before drifting off to sleep.

Chapter thirty-two


The satisfied look on Dmitri’s face when he exited the bathroom this morning was nearly enough to have me dragging both him and Rhys into the bedroom for a lesson on gloating. However, Rhys reminded me of the timeline and the thorough pounding I wanted to deliver to both of them would have to wait.

Hopefully not too long.

My attention switched to protective mode as I kept an eye on everything around us, praying that I wouldn’t have to deal with anything out of the ordinary.

If Rhys had been contracted by some secret group to create a dangerous program, theneveryonein our line of work would be out to get it. As much as I wanted to understand it, the numbers made my head hurt.

All I knew was that in the wrong hands, it was dangerous as fuck.

And Rhys had the key.


My eyes darted to the left when a car zoomed across the parking lot, my hand shooting out to grab Rhys and pull him back against my chest. He flew toward me with an ‘oof’, rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time. I was on edge; anything could be an issue.

Out in the open on his campus, there wasn’t much protection I could give him. Anyone and everyone could be a threat to his safety. And if something happened to him…

“Hey, hey,hey,” Rhys twisted around in my hold, hands holding my cheeks as he tried to get my attention. “Val, you can’t growl out here like that. People will think you’re an animal.” He giggled as if it was the funniest thing but it was just what I needed to calm my nerves.


“No, you’re not. You’re a trained killer and my ex didn’t really make it easy to trust anyone.” He shrugged and then started walking toward his advisor’s office again, pulling me along with him. I was about to ask how he was so nonchalant about the situation until I realized that Rhys had somehow disassociated himself from what had happened and what he needed. He still didn’t truly believe that all of his hard work was just the product of greedy men.

Rhys thrived on facts.

I just hoped that his advisor would have some.

I followed along in silence, gripping Rhys’ hand a little tighter as he stopped before a large wooden door and knocked three times. A feeble ‘come in’ slipped through and Rhys slid it open before stepping inside and closing the door after us.

A thin man stood by a bookshelf, his fingers running along the old books. He sighed at our entrance and then turned around, his expression like a deer in headlights. “Rhys! I didn’t know you were stopping by. You should have called.” It was only now that I could see that his hair was in disarray, his clothes were crumpled and the state of his office looked like someone had bulldozed through it. Twice.

Rhys stepped back, obviously unsure of the situation. “Ididcall. Seven times. You never picked up. What’s going on?”

“Nothing, wellsomething.Your dissertation is in a few days. Exciting, right?”
