Page 50 of Embracing Darkness

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“What are you talking about?”

I massaged the back of his neck, enjoying the way he squirmed on the mattress, wanting more than just the brush of my thumb along his shoulder.

“I’m saying that while Rhys knows a little about our business endeavors, he still needs to have the choice of where he’d like to be when all this goes south because it absolutely will. Chester is done waiting because Owen doesn’t know what honor means. Hawk International isn’t going to just take the program on Thursday and we all know it. Rhys is a liability to them. I have an idea but you need to stay the fuck here.”

His frown deepened. “What?”

“You’re wound up tighter than a spring. Right now, Rhys needs some direction and yes, I know you can be that safe space for him, but right now? You’re not it. So, I’m going to speak with them downstairs and you’re going to sit here until I come back.”

He bristled beneath my touch, wanting to fight,needingto fight.

“And then what?”

“And then I’m going to help you unwind.” This time I laid a kiss on his adorable pout, wondering what the world would do if they saw this version of Gianni rather than the murderous terror that ran around the city. Gianni choked as I squeezed his neck a little tighter before exiting the room. I could already imagine him standing up to reshift the growing pressure in his pants and fuck, I couldn’t wait to watch him fall apart in my hands.

Chapter thirty-eight


It was only a matter of time before Rhys broke into a million pieces. He wasn’t cut out for the life we had inadvertently dragged him into. There was only so much he’d be able to take before he fell apart and I hated that he was trying so hard to be strong when we were right here. The slight trembles as he curled a little tighter against my chest paired with the grunts of frustration falling from his lips were breaking my heart.

The movie droned on in the background as I tightened my hold on him. He needed something and I was beginning to see that the lack of time we had spent together was actually working against us. I had no idea how to quiet the voices in his head or make him smile. Sure, sitting Paval in his lap would work for a little bit but that wouldn’t fix the overarching problem.

And until Owen was dealt with, I wasn’t surewhatwas going to work.

Valentyn made his way into the living room and he shook his head to keep me from getting up. He crouched in front of us, reaching forward to run his hands through Rhys’ hair. Rhys wasn’t really looking at him, eyes focused on some point along the wall, disassociating from the issues at hand. I didn’t blame him but god, I needed him back.

“I need your help, sweetheart,” Valentyn whispered. Rhys’ gaze shifted to Valentyn as he sat up a little. “We’re going to try something a little different. I need you to recreate those formulas.”

Rhys shot up completely, leaning forward, eyes wide. He was still trembling and I could tell that we hadn’t really gotten him back fully, but just the mention of numbers and there was a little more color in his cheeks. It took me a moment to realize that it wasn’t the numbers but the fact that Valentynneededhim that brought him back.

A smile tugged at the corner of Valentyn’s lips. “See, there’s a few people that want the program and I’m not so sure that any of them should have it. It’s a long shot, but can you recreate it with a handful of alterations throughout the sequences? Or however, that works. Alterations that would make them inoperable. Let’s start with three?”

Creating a distraction? It could work if Rhys was up for it.

Rhys nodded slowly, still a little wary of everything that had happened tonight. I was sure Val and Gia would give me a rundown at some point when Rhys wasn’t in earshot.

“That’s good. I don’t think we’ll be able to stop them from getting their hands on the program but this will allow us enough time to figure out who’s trying to do what.” When Rhys nodded again, I couldn’t help but smile as I sat up and pulled him against my chest. He leaned into the touch, something he hadn’t done since he got back, which was a good sign. “What do you need?”

“Just my computer.” His eyes darted around the room. “Where’s Gianni?”

“Cooling off.” Valentyn gave Rhys a small smile, nipping any further conversation on that matter in the bud. “He’ll be fine after I help him unwind. Now, do you want us to set you up in the office tomorrow or-”

“Can I stay right here?”

Both of us froze as we realized that Rhys meant he was going to start right now. We should have known that giving him a task would set him into action. It also meant that he wasn’t going to sleep and it was one of the few things he needed more of.

I rested my chin on his shoulder, opening my mouth to say something when Rhys cut in. “I just need to not think about it, okay? He’s been a nightmare for so long that I just… only a few more days and then I don’t have to worry about it, right? You said you needed my help. I want to help and I want to do this.”

Valentyn’s eyes softened. “You need to be needed, don’t you?”

Rhys didn’t answer but I could feel the subtle shift in his body that told us exactly what we needed to know. He wanted to be loved and cherished, sure. But he also wanted to be needed, he wanted someone who wanted him. I couldn’t believe the luck of having him fall in our laps because fucking hell, that’s all we wanted to do.

Valentyn patted his knee and I moved to get up as Rhys shot me a playful glare. “Where are you going?”

“I was going to go get your laptop so you could start working.”

He frowned and shook his head. “No, you need to stay right here. It’s comfortable just the way it is.” He scrambled off my lap to search through his bag but I didn’t miss the words he muttered.“You help keep the demons away.”
