Page 33 of They Were Roommates

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He slowly traced his eyes up Diego’s legs to his crotch. He had a small, hard dick peeking out of his pubic hair, and a distinct lack of balls. Frankie felt his mouth water at the earlier promise of one day being able to bury his face in that patch of fluffy hair. He lifted his head and finally got to take in his boyfriend as a whole. He was of average height, a larger build, with a delicious happy trail that fanned out down his hairy legs to his muscular calves and relatively small feet. He was absolutely fucking gorgeous.

“You’re so hot,” Frankie said at the exact same time Diego murmured, “Look at you.”

Frankie spread his arms out and did a little curtsy just to make Diego laugh. He gave a soft chuckle and walked slowly towards Frankie and pulled him into his arms. Frankie was so used to keeping distance between their bottom halves, he let out a surprised “meep” when their bodies pressed together, collarbone to knees, and then a low moan as their cocks rubbed together.

“Oh god,” he groaned as Diego shifted his hips and pressed up into him. He had to admit, this blatant show of confidence and control was not what Frankie had been expecting. Sure, the day he’d walked into their Entrepreneurship class Diego had looked like he owned the place and the “man in charge” act Diego pulled when they were working with vendors and contractors was sexy as hell, but Frankie knew the real Diego now, too. The man who had hang ups and insecurities, and sometimes curled into Frankie’s arms on the couch and let himself just feel his anxiety and fears.

Frankie realized this was the same. Diego was living in this moment of two men embracing, skin on skin, for the first time. Frankie pressed his cheek against Diego’s until he turned, and they shared an awkwardly angled kiss. It was sweet and tender and made Frankie’s insides feel all wobbly, and he opened his mouth to say something.

He let out a desperate noise when Diego wrapped his fingers around his cock. He whimpered when Diego slowly began to stroke him from base to tip, twisting his hand just so when he reached the head and swiping his thumb across his slit before stroking back down.

“D…D…Diego,” Frankie whimpered, desperately clinging to his shoulders and thrusting his hips up helplessly.


“I—” Frankie gasped when Diego’s other hand gripped his balls and gave a gentle tug. “Holy god.”

Frankie dropped his head onto Diego’s shoulders as his entire body began to tremble. “D… it’s too much,” he moaned, as he started to get the telltale tingles in his thighs that meant he was getting close. He tried to pull away and push farther into his hands at the same time.

“Well then sit tight. This will take a minute or two.”

Suddenly, Frankie was standing alone, his shoulders hunched over and his head at a weird angle. He spun around and found Diego stepping into the harness, pulling and adjusting the straps this way and that. When it was snugly situated over his hips and under his ass – and holy hell, that was hot as sin – he slotted the dildo into place. He adjusted his bio dick a little bit and then let out a soft noise as it seemed to slide into place inside the base of the harness. He gave his hips an experimental wiggle, and his face twisted with pleasure. This just about had Frankie spilling on the spot. He cupped his dick and let out a pathetic noise.

Diego glanced up and smirked. “Like what you see?”

“So fucking much, D, I can’t even.” Frankie walked over and pulled Diego flush against him again. The dildo slid against his belly and knocked against his own erection. When Frankie pressed his hips forward Diego moaned.

“Is it… touching you? Like, you can feel this?” Frankie asked. He angled his hips slightly and pressed against Diego again.

Diego groaned and gripped Frankie’s hips, hard. “Yes. It has a slot that my dick can fit into. I had to get it specially made to fit my exact size, but it feels sort of like a, uh, manual stroker?”

Frankie leaned back and balked at Diego. “A manual stroker? You mean a fleshlight?”

Diego shuddered. “That’s such a gross term. And many of them are styled to look like female anatomy, which, obviously, is the farthest from anything I would ever want to engage with.” Diego grimaced and Frankie immediately felt bad for teasing.

“A manual stroker it is,” Frankie said leaning forward and pulling Diego in for a quick squeeze. Diego tensed and then relaxed in his arms, dropping gentle kisses along Frankie’s neck and shoulders.

Frankie leaned into the touch and then, careful not to knock them both over, he slowly backed up towards the bed and pulled Diego with him. When the backs of his knees hit the mattress, he collapsed backwards onto it and Diego came down on top of him.

“I don’t need a whole lot of prep, but a few fingers would be good,” Frankie breathed against Diego’s neck.

Diego reached for his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom. Frankie had a sudden almost out of body experience. He was really about to have sex with Diego. His best friend in the entire world and now his boyfriend and soon-to-be lover. Frankie had honestly been thinking he’d never have a boyfriend. But now here he was, eagerly taking first one, then two of Diego’s warm fingers and thinking about what their future could look like.

He came back to himself when Diego stroked that spot deep inside him. He arched off the bed with a shout and Diego chuckled. “Frankie…eres perfecto,”Diego murmured mimicking Frankie’s earlier thoughts about Diego’s perfection.

He slowly slid in a third finger and Frankie cried out and started to beg. “Please, D… I need you.”

“You’ve got me,querido…”

Diego quickly applied the condom and lube while Frankie yanked a pillow under his hips. Diego lined himself up between Frankie’s legs.

Their eyes met and held as Diego slowly slid into him. Frankie began to moan the second the dildo entered him and he kept moaning as Diego slid all the way in.

The moment Diego bottomed out, he let out his own quiet groan. As he began a steady rhythm of fucking in and out, Frankie’s sex addled brain tried to take note of what angles and actions made Diego moan. It seemed like anytime the dildo pressed against him, when he was fully inside of Frankie, his face would twist with pleasure and his fingers would dig into Frankie’s hips.

As Diego continued to work him, Frankie suddenly got an idea.

“D, oh fuck, can…ahhhhh… Diego! Can I ride you? Please?” Frankie gasped as Diego purposefully struck his prostate with his next several thrusts.
