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“Did you bring condoms?” I raise an eyebrow at him, and I briefly wonder if he really was expecting us to just ‘talk.’

He shifts and lets out a sigh. “I didn’t.”

I frown and pull back slightly. I shift, feeling his hard dick beneath me, and wonder how in the hell he expected us to get out of this hotel room without him being inside me at least once. “Why?”

“I…I am trying to exercise some restraint, Avery. I don’t know if we should…go there.”

“But you can touch me?” I lean down and let my tongue flick out to trace along his ear. “You can touch my pussy without wanting to put your dick inside it?”

“I’m not ready to go that far with you,” he tells me and I pull back, cocking my head to the side.

“Well, I know you’re not a virgin.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “This is a big thing Avery and I’m not taking it lightly. Explain to me what happens now.” He juts his chin up at me. “What happens after tonight?” I blink at him confused. “Are you going to want more?” He grabs my chin. “Because you telling me you’ve had a crush on me since you were thirteen and then fucking me here tonight is going to affect you more than you think, Avery. Even more than what we’ve already done.” I don’t respond because for a moment my brain goes blank after hearing the wordsfuckingandmefall from his lips. “We are already playing with fire, you and me, because we’ve been dancing around this for three years.” He looks away from me and lets out a sigh before his warm brown eyes reach mine. “And maybe once you let me inside of you, I’m going to lose my fucking mind and want it again. Maybe you only want it once, but…I don’t work that way.”

I hadn’t allowed myself to think aboutmorepast tonight but the idea that this man may want another night with me sets my skin ablaze. “And if I wanted it more than just once?”

“How do you see that working?”

“Is this about Lucas?”

“This is about me. I could fuck anyone and it not mean anything. But it can’t just be sex with you. If it were, I would have fucked you two years ago that first time.”

The promise of more lurks beneath his words. “So, you want to date me or something?” I try to ignore the butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach because he does not mean that.

“I can’t have that either.”

“So, you don’t want to fuck me because you think you’ll want more than just a night, but youcan’thave more than just a night.”

“The most fucked up catch twenty-two, isn’t it?”

“Hmmm.” I purse my lips. “Then why the room?”

“Because I’m a masochist evidently.” He rubs a hand over his eyes before dropping to give me a serious look. “And you asked to see me later.”

The thought that I have this much power over him sends a feeling of warmth all over. “What if I asked you to fuck me?”


I bite my bottom lip. “Fine.” I stand up off his lap. “I suppose I can respect your boundaries fornow,” I purr. “What can we do?” I ask him innocently and when he doesn’t respond, I drop my eyes to his lap. “Can I see your dick?” I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow at him.

“No.” He grits out and my mouth falls open.

He can’t be serious.“So, you just brought me here to what? Torture me?”

“No. I plan on doing a lot of things toyou.”

“But I can’t touch you? Pass. I don’t accept,” I snap.

He shrugs and leans back against the couch, crossing his leg so his ankle rests across his knee. “Tough, princess.”

“You’re infuriating. You know what? Two can play that game.” I reach behind me and drag my zipper down, letting my dress pool at my feet. I didn’t wear a bra, so I’m standing before him completely topless for the first time with the tiniest thong I own covering my pussy. I immediately turn around, showing him my ass, and walk towards the bathroom. “I’m taking a bath,” I call over my shoulder.

It only takes a second for my dick to react to the half-naked woman walking through the suite with the plan to get completely naked. I’m off the couch moments later, trailing slowly behind her, enthralled by the slope of her hips and the way that black string disappears between her ass cheeks. I make my way into the bathroom and lean against the doorjamb, watching as she bends over the massive bathtub to turn on the water and pour in some bubble bath. I make my way towards her and before she stands upright, I reach out to grab her thong. I tug hard, pulling her towards me by the tiny string I can only compare to dental floss.

She gasps and tilts her head up to look at me before dropping her eyes down to where I have the fabric in my fist. My eyes flash to hers devilishly and I pull harder, pulling her against my chest, and I wrap a hand across her stomach, keeping her flush against me as I let the fabric snap against her skin with a satisfying sound. I look down at her body, and saliva pools in my mouth taking in her full plump tits and puckered pink nipples that are pebbling harder under my gaze.

“I assume you don’t want to join me?” She lets out a sigh as I drag my fingertips up her sides. She squirms when my fingers graze the sides of her breasts just as I drop my lips to her shoulder.
