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“How are you feeling by the way? How far along are you?”

“Eight weeks and pretty great actually. Some morning…and afternoon sickness. That’s why I bailed on Avery’s grad party.”

“You’ve been to the doctor?”

“Yep, twice. I go in again at eleven weeks.”

“I remember.” I nod with a smile. “I’m going to be a grandfather?”

“Unless Mom has been lying about paternity all these years.” She gives me a smug grin and I roll my eyes before I pull her in for a hug.

“I spit you and Lucas out; I wouldn’t even believe a paternity test that said otherwise. You look too much like me. Now, go apologize to your brother.” I press a kiss to her forehead.

“Whatever.” She grumbles before she slides the door open. “Sorry, asshole!” She calls out, and Lucas, who’s seated on one of the pool chairs with Avery lying out next to him, waves before flipping her off again.

She closes the sliding door. “Happy?”

“You think he still loves her?” I ask her, ignoring her sarcasm. Raegan has always been perceptive and picked up on everything. She had a nasty habit of eavesdropping on conversations as a kid, which is how she found out about her mother’s affair.

“Lucas? Yeah, Dad. I think he’s still crazy about her.”

“He says he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore.”

“And you believe him?”

“He’s twenty-one, if he tells me something, what reason would I have not to believe him? Furthermore, what reason would he have to lie to me about it?”

She takes a sip of her water and shrugs. “Embarrassed that he lives in the friend zone? Especially when his dad isTheTheo Graham? You can’t swing a stick without hitting a woman who would sell her husband for a chance to go out with you.” I try hard not to laugh but I can’t help the smile that pulls at my lips.

“Not true. And it’s definitely not like that anymore. Maybe when I was playing or a few years after I retired.”

“Sure Dad, women are only interested because you were in the NFL. Not the nice house, or the piles of money, or the six-pack.” She rolls her eyes. “Whatever, the longer you stay single the more I get in the will, so you won’t hear me complaining.” She stands on her tiptoes and plants a kiss on my cheek.

“Ha—Ha. Thanks. Just for that, I’m giving more to Lucas.” I laugh at her dark humor because I know without a doubt between my two children, when it’s my time to go, Raegan will be the one who won’t be able to handle it.

She’s out the door and I make my way outside to see Lucas on his back and Avery on her stomach on two side by side loungers. I make my way over to them and it’s the first time I really allow myself to look at Avery in her red two-piece gym gear that clings to her curves so fucking deliciously. The shorts are molded to her ass and if Lucas wasn’t here, my hands would be on her cheeks squeezing them.

“Don’t call Wes that, Lucas,” I tell him.

“What? We were all thinking it!”He raises his hands.

“I wasn’t,” Avery interjects as she turns over and looks at him before up at me.

“Whatever. I can tell you who is also definitely going to think that.” I groan thinking about who he’s referring to. “Yeah, how do you think your ex-wife is going to feel about this?”Lucas chuckles.

“You know she hates when you call her that.”

“No,shehates when I call her Rebecca.Youhate when I call her your ex-wife because you don’t like to be reminded that you married her and knocked her up twice.” Avery laughs and Lucas meets my murderous gaze. “What? Look, you brought her intomylife, not the other way around. I didn’t ask to be brought into the dysfunction.” He stands up and holds his hands out. “Happy to be here though.” He slaps my back and walks toward the house. “Ave! Want a drink!”

“Whatever you’re having!”

“Tequila it is!”

“Tequila!?” She whines.

“I’m only home for two more days!” He calls back and my cock jerks in response at the thought of having Avery to myself. I begin cracking my knuckles to try and divert my attention from the situation in my pants when he closes the door.

I look down at her. “Hi.”
