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Avery: So, you were going to out us during a drinking game!? You’re the worst!!!

Rory: I know ugh, I’m sorry!! Don’t hate me. That really was why I asked. But, look no one cares.

Avery: Lucas cares, Rory!

Rory: So!? He’s not the boss of you or your man.

Avery: I told him I went home that night so he thinks I lied

Rory: Did you?

Avery: Yes, okay! I did meet up with someone. You don’t know him, he’s from Pitt. We used to hook up sometimes. That’s it.

Keep things vague,I tell myself.No names, no descriptions, he could be anyone. No face, no case!

Rory: How could you not tell me this!?

Avery: Because it meant nothing! Do I know about all of your hookups!

Rory: Uh, yes?

Avery: Well…sorry.

Rory: What’s his name? Is he cute? Pics!!

A knock on the bathroom door startles me and when I open the door, I see Lucas in the hallway. I came upstairs to use the bathroom to get away from everyone and also to hide for a minute.


“Hey,” I say, turning off the light and stepping into the hallway.

“You good?” He asks as he leans against the wall.

“Yeah, of course. That game is just super invasive. I never liked it,” I lie, because I used to love it.

He hears the lie, and more importantly, knowswhyI’m lying now. “Are you seeing someone?” He asks.

“I—ummm…”Think and think quick.“It’s not serious.”

He scratches his jaw and looks at me contemplatively, like he’s not sure what to ask me next. “So, you did meet up with someone that night?”


He crosses his arms in front of his chest. “You lied to me? Why?”

“I didn’t want you to worry about me and you tend to ask a lot of questions.” I bite my bottom lip nervously.

He chuckles. “Because I care about you, obviously. Who is it?”

“Does it matter?”

“Sort of?”


“I don’t know, Avery. Maybe I want to know who my best friend is dating!?”

“We aren’t dating. It’s a guy from school and it was casual. He was leaving to go back home. That’s it. It’s over.”
