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He doesn’t say anything and I wonder if that was his hesitation all along. That I’d tell Lucas after rounds of shots. That I tell him everything and a hookup with his dad would be no exception. “Give me a little credit, Theo. I wouldn’t tell him.”

“Because you know he’d be pissed.”

I don’t disagree that he wouldn’t be thrilled…but I don’t respond to that. “Theo, you’re a good dad,” I tell him. “The best given the circumstances in which you had to parent. Rebecca was never around and…you had to do it all pretty much. I know I don’t have to tell you all of this, or the fact that Lucas and Raegan worship the ground you walk on. They would want you to do things that make you happy. You’ve sacrificed a lot over the years and they’re adults now so you don’t have to anymore. It doesn’t make you a bad father for wanting to have fun.”

“Having fun and having fun withyouare very different things.”

He looks at me as we pull into his driveway and park on the side of the house. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t pull into mine but I guess he didn’t want to risk waking my parents. There are several yards between the houses on our street so there’s no chance of anyone seeing us right now from where we’re seated in his driveway.

“I don’twantto want you,” he continues. The snow continues to fall around us harder than before and I’m glad we left the bar when we did and Theo brought me home. “I want it to be easy for me to tell you this isn’t going to happen and then walk you home.” He turns to look at me. “I should walk you home.” He says it but makes no effort to get out of the car or even turn it off for that matter. Instead, he puts his hand on my face, letting out a groan that vibrates through my whole body. His hand is large and warm and frames my entire face. Despite the heat still blasting from his vents, I feel goosebumps all over my skin as my sex clenches thinking about him between my legs. His thumb drags over my lips gently and just before he removes it, my tongue darts out to drag over the tip.

“Fuck.” He groans and just as I sense him moving towards me, I move towards him, our mouths meeting in the middle with both of his hands on my face. His tongue tastes like mint without a trace of liquor and I wonder if he abstained in case he needed to take me home.

Why else would he have gone out to a bar and not consumed any alcohol?

The thoughts float away as his tongue dances with mine, soft yet firm and rubbing against mine, and instantly I’m transported back to the last time we did this.

I want to be closer, I think, wandering back to the time when he pinned me against the wall and kissed me senseless. His hands under my butt as he ground against me. I grab his coat, pulling him closer to me and his hand finds the back of my neck, tangling in my hair and pulling gently. I gasp as a sexy tingle shoots through me allowing his lips to leave mine and travel down my throat dragging his tongue along the skin.

“Fuck, Avery,” he whispers against me and it’s just the encouragement I needed to move closer. I push him back and move my way across the console and into his lap. I feel his seat moving backward, and I adjust to the closeness, sliding all the way down so I’m straddling his lap, my covered sex seated directly on top of his dick.

“Touch me,” I whisper against him. “Please.”

Despite his jeans, I feel his cock twitch beneath me and his chocolate eyes narrow slightly. His hands drop from my shoulders and drag down my frame to my hips, holding me in place as I grind down on him. His eyes drop to where I’m seated before dragging them lazily up my body. “Where?” His voice is low and gruff and I feel it in my clit like a heartbeat. I open my coat and I watch as he trails his eyes over my v-neck sweater. His hands palm my breasts before he drags his thumb over my nipples. Despite my sweater and bra, I still feel the pressure of his thumbs on my sensitive peaks.

His hands move under my sweater, his fingers touching my skin and then he’s raising the fabric. He raises his eyebrows in question and I nod, knowing what he wants to do. I slide my arms out of my coat and pull my sweater over my head all within a second leaving me in a white lace pushup bra that’s practically see through. “Touch me,” I tell him again and he obliges, running his fingers over the cups before his face is submerged in my tits as he takes a deep inhale. I gasp at the feeling of his stubble scraping the skin between my breasts before I feel his tongue between them dragging along the same path up toward my mouth. I reach for his hair, pulling on the luscious strands as I try to guide him back to my mouth even though the feeling of Theo’s tongue inches above my nipple is indescribable.

His lips find mine again and I moan as I work my hips along his dick doing the best I can to hit the most delicious spot that might have me coming in his lap. “Does it feel good?” He asks me when he pulls away to pepper kisses along my jaw.

“God, yes,” I whisper.

“Are you wet?” He asks and I nod, unable to respond because I feel myself building towards an orgasm. “Show me.”

My eyes flutter open, and my head that’s been tilted back as he trails kisses up my neck slowly moves down to look at him. “What?”

“Show me how wet you are.” I try to move but he holds me in place and looks down between us where I’m seated on top of him. The car is dark but the light on the outside of his garage illuminates the space around us enough for him to be able to see me run my fingers down my body and under the waistband of my leggings.

I slip my fingers beneath it and my panties and drag my index finger through my sex. My mouth drops open and I let out a sigh as it glides through my wetness easily. I whimper and his nostrils flare in response when I feel him pull my hand from between my legs and hold it in front of his face. My index and middle finger are coated with my cum and I watch with fascination as he drags his tongue up both of them.

Oh my God.

He circles his tongue around them, leaving them clean before letting them go. “Make yourself come.”

I gasp. “Right now?”

“Right now.” He nods. My heart is pounding in time with the pulsing between my legs so it doesn’t take much convincing for me to slide my hand back between them. I continue to finger myself while I’m in his lap, my body so desperate for the orgasm. My hand that’s not between my legs reaches for his belt in an attempt to tell him what I want, but he grabs it and pulls it away before bringing it to his mouth. “No.”

“No?” I stammer out as I flick my clit. “But—”

“Are you close?” He asks and I nod. He pushes my hair away from my face. “I know you are. Come on, beautiful, let me see you.”

“Touch me,” I beg, wanting him to make me come even though sitting on top of him with my hand between my legs is high on my list of memories I’ll use while my hand is between my legs again later.

“But you’re doing so well. Rubbing that pretty little clit for me.” He licks his lips and I convulse in his arms as I think about him running his tongue through my slit. “I can smell you.” He pulls me closer, pressing his lips to my chin while I continue to finger myself. The car is quiet and with it being near three in the morning, the world around us is silent making the sounds of my fingers in my pussy seem ten times louder.

“Theo,” I moan. “Please,” I beg again, trying my best to entice him into slipping his hand between my legs despite the awkward position we’re in. “Fuck me,” I moan because I’m at the peak of my orgasm when I have no control over what’s going to slip from between my lips. “Fuck me. I want you. Please,” I cry out just as I shatter in his arms. I’m vaguely aware that he groans my name but I’m too far gone to recognize any other words he utters. My left hand goes behind his neck, bringing his lips to mine just as my orgasm crashes through me. I taste myself on him and it spurs my orgasm further. I shake in his arms as I continue to rock against my hand and move up and down on his covered dick.

I stop rubbing and pull away from him slowly as I slide my hand out from between my legs. I notice his lips are shiny and I don’t know if it’s from my lip balm, my tongue, or my pussy and I clench at the sexiness of him being covered in me. I glance behind me towards his house before turning back towards him slowly, staring up at him through my lashes. I reach for the hem of his shirt dragging my fingers along the bottom to clean my fingers. A wicked smirk finds my face as I mark him. “Can I come in?”
