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“And that’s the problem, Avery.”

“I know. I know.” She puts her hands over her eyes. “It’s not my fault, I didn’t…I don’t lead him on, Theo.”

The guilt of what I’m doing feels like it’s taking over at her words and I sigh before removing her hands from her face and kissing her fingertips one at a time. “I know. I never thought you did.” I pull her towards me and begin to rub her back gently. “I just can’t believe you’re you.” I sigh. “In another life, it would be so easy.”

“In another life, I probably don’t live right next door, so maybe we would never cross paths,” she teases.

“I’d find you in every lifetime.”

We spent the rest of that night trying not to think too much about the future and just enjoying our time alone. It felt like a turning point for us. This is more than just exclusive sex.

We are…together.

I look down at the picture I snapped of her while she was sleeping and part of me wants to make it the background of my phone. She looked so peaceful and happy and fucking stunning and I’ve looked at it no less than a hundred times since I took it. I lean back in my chair at my desk, and part of me wants to call her just so I can hear her voice. It’s been two days since that night and I’ve woken up without her in my bed the past two mornings and I am already fucking over it. We are supposed to have dinner tonight and I want to broach the subject of her moving out of her parent’s house just so it’s easier for us to see each other.

I pull up my phone, deciding that it might be time to tell someone what’s going on and my brother is the only person who will give it to me straight andprobablynot give me too much shit for it.

“Little bro, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Bryan is four years older than me and lives in Arizona with his wife and two kids after selling his tech company for a shitload of money. He also spends more time at the golf course than anywhere else so I know he’s got nothing but time.

“You busy?”

“Of course not. I’m supposed to tee off in thirty minutes so I’m just at the clubhouse having breakfast.”

I sigh. “I have to tell you something. I haven’t told anyone and it’s…kind of a big thing.”

“Well, you have my attention.” He clears his throat. “First off, do I need bail money? A shovel? That fucker didn’t do something to Rae, did he? Do we need my lawyer?”

I roll my eyes. “You and I have the same lawyer, which is dad, and no.” I hadn’t talked to Bryan in a week or so which means he also doesn’t know the latest about Raegan. “Speaking of Rae,” I lean back in my chair and look towards the ceiling. “She’s getting married.”

“WHAT? To that old dude?”

I roll my eyes. “You do know he’s younger than both of us, right?”

“You okay with this?” He asks, ignoring my comment. “Be straight with me.”

“I…think. I don’t know. My judgment is a little compromised right now which is why I’m calling.”

“Oh…kay?” I hear the sound of a can opening and I look at my watch wondering if he’s having a beer this early.

“Isn’t it eight in the morning there?”

“You know it’s never too early to mind your business. What is the reason for this call?”He asks with a bored tone.

I chuckle. “She’s also pregnant, by the way.”

“Oh, wait what!? That’s why they’re getting married?”

“Apparently no. I guess they’ve been talking about it for a while. I mean they do live together.”

“That sounds like grade-A bullshit. Which is fine, I respect a man who wants to do the right thing when he gets a girl pregnant, but let’s call a spade a spade here.”

“I don’t know. I like him, and part of me thinks he’d tell me the truth.”Maybe it was the romantic in me, but I believed Wes when he said he’s been in love with my daughter for months.

“Well, you know I can spot some fuckery a mile away. I can’t wait to meet this guy. Tell him you’re the nice one, but I’m the black sheep of the family and I’ve got friends in low places that will kill him for nothing and make it look like an accident. But is this why you called?”

“No. I was just keeping you informed. They want to get married before she starts showing, so the wedding will be kind of soon, I expect.”

“Would not expect anything less from a shotgun wedding.”
