Page 56 of Zirkov

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They were analyzing her clothing too, then. The bottom of her footwear for dirt samples. Loose hairs on her garments. Probably the only clothing in that bag were the newer items with the price tags still on. Last month, she treated herself to a shopping spree to find clothing that would catch Zirkov’s eye. The DAA would investigate her financials and see that unexplained hike in spending as well as the seductive clothing. Enough odd behavior they could spin against her if they wanted.

“Thank you,” she said, hiding her distress. Earth Intelligence had slipped a noose around her neck and now they needed a reason to push the chair out from under her feet.

Zirkov caught up to her at the door and with a single finger tipped her chin up. “This is only temporary. Once we find Var’Len, you will then have your apartment and your life back.”

“But not my job.”

He didn’t reply. They both knew the DAA would never trust her again. No government agency would. But that brought up the question about Zirkov. He offered her a job, which meant he trusted her. But how deeply did he trust her? What would happen the first time something went wrong? If he had any lingering doubts, even small ones, it could destroy them both.

“Let’s go in. I’m feeling exposed out here.” She drew a breath, waiting to see the inside of where she’d be stuck for a while. The home was quaint from the outside, but like all safehouses, it would be the bare minimum on the inside. But she wasn’t here for comfort.

With a curt nod, Zirkov unlocked the house and pushed the door open.

“They believe I’m a traitor, but you don’t.”

He carried her bag inside. “I never once thought of you as a traitor. The source of the leak, yes, but not a traitor.”

“How could you think one without the other?”

“For two years, I’ve watched you defend witnesses, marshals, and even criminals, including those who deserved to be shot where they stood. You insisted on justice and on following the rules, because you believe in your people and your world. You, Magdalena, are not a traitor.”

All that time, he’d been watching her, admiring her….

“You called me sholani, several times. Or am I imagining that? It’s hard to know which memories are real at this point.”

He inhaled then slowly released the breath. “You didn’t imagine that. But I misspoke.”

That troubled expression on his face made the hairs on her arms stand on end. “Skaggs told me zyanthan males know for sure when they meet their heartmate.”

“For most, yes, but I had a medical issue years back that left me different from other males.”

She pictured him naked. That sparked an onslaught of memories. Of him on top of her, behind her,insideher. An intense wave of being possessed and controlled struck her. She grabbed the doorframe to balance herself.

Zirkov’s hands cupped her cheek. Worry-filled silver eyes held her as securely as his hands.

“I’m okay, just a little overwhelmed.”

“Come inside and rest.”

She followed him into a comfortable-looking home. Two plush chairs and a wood cocktail table filled the small living room. Off to the right, stark white walls led to a kitchen with little pantry space and a dinette set that included two iron-backed, white padded chairs.

A holovid projected from a tiny chip embedded in the living room wall added life to the meager furnishings. She’d seen this technology before, on Zirkov’s ship, but not the picture of five zyanthan males with arms around one another and their horns pointing back. Civilians, she guessed from how they dressed. Casual green or black pants with dark jackets. Crisp mountains jutted toward the sky in the background, which explained the heavier attire. They looked happy, though, like a bunch of buddies on a hunting trip.

Five shadow boxes surrounded the holovid in a circle. Each displayed colorful flora she’d never seen before. The bright purple leaf in the bottom box reminded her of an ostrich feather. Inside another box, two black leaves practically blended into the black felt background, which made the glowing silver veins stand out. The box that captivated her showcased a furry leaf that looked like a tiny human hand the size of a marble, pure white with eight fingers that even had fingernails! She peered closer to make sure the item was indeed botanical. Tiny roots sprouting from the bottom confirmed it. Definitely alien flora.

“Is this your home?”

“Yes. As I said, taking you to a safehouse was risky.”

“But your home isn’t?”

“No one knows about this place. Except Konnitch. I paid in credit chips and used another name on the title.”


“That of a dead human with no relatives.”

“Illegal, but smart. You don’t trust many people do you, Z?”
