Page 76 of Zirkov

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His hand stopped moving, though those alluring silver eyes looked at her as if she was the only woman in the universe. She wanted to be the only one for him, even if she wasn’t his sholani.

With her other hand, she gripped his lower cock, the one with black nodes along the top. “Care for some help?”

His hand fell away. “Show me, Magdalena.”

“How humans make love?”

“Show me who you are.”

A challenge, or a dare? She wasn’t sure when it came to Zirkov, only that he’d given her free rein to proceed as she wanted, something he rarely did.

As she circled one of the black nodes with her thumb, a clear substance coated her finger soothing her like hand cream applied to dry cracked skin. “It tingles.”

“Frem relaxes the muscles here.” One large hand gripped her ass and pulled her forward against his chest. His cock remained in her hand, trapped between their bodies.

She inched her hand up to the massive upper cock. “And this one? What does it do?”

A salacious grin crossed his face. “The mating cock is for intense fucking.”

“Subtlety isn’t your thing, is it?”

“I assure you, I will leave you breathless. You will beg for more.”

That heat spread to her core, along with a sudden sense that this was really happening. After dreaming about him for so long, she’d finally be with him… and this time she’d remember.

He traced the length of her throat. “I’ll fit here quite nicely.”

“You speak as if we haven’t—”

“I haven’t fucked your mouth with my pleasure cock. Only with my mating cock. The frem relaxes the throat muscles, allowing a male to go quite deep.”

It would be a first then, for both of them. The very thought of sharing a first sounded perfect. Except being together hadn’t been his idea. She’d seduced him. For a second time.

“Are you sure you want this with me?” she asked.

His hand wrapped around her throat to the back of her head with a slight pressure, guiding her down toward his cocks. “Take me in your mouth. Make me yours, and then I will make you mine.”

Mine.That word stirred her as much as touching his cock had moments ago.

She ran her hands along both cocks, before licking the tip of his mating cock. He tasted slightly salty, but sweet, reminding her of salt water taffy. Blue raspberry… her favorite! All hesitation melted away as she took him into her mouth, amazed by how perfect it felt, despite his width.

She pictured a blue popsicle as she wrapped her tongue around him, sliding on and off. A deep masculine moan filled her soul, but she didn’t recognize it.

His hands sifted through her hair before he gripped her head and eased her mouth off him. “You stopped moving. What’s wrong?”

She angled her mouth to take his lower cock, but he rotated his hips, denying her. With a single finger beneath her chin, he tipped her head up. “Talk to me.”

“I want to remember being with you, Z, but it’s blank.”

“Drekk.” It was the only word Zirkov said as he yanked the sheet from the floor and wrapped it around his waist. “I knew this was too soon.”

“You were enjoying it.”

“But you’re not ready.”

“I’m fine. I’m not dizzy, winded, or—”
