Page 82 of Zirkov

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“Stop insisting I go to the hospital.” Maggie pushed out in front of both males who had sandwiched her between them as they walked down the street. Horns raised, and hands on their blasters, her self-appointed alien bodyguards scowled at every human in sight, prompting most to jump out of their way.

Ever since they left her apartment building, Zirkov placed himself between her and any perceived danger. She kept her distance, as much as he allowed, even though she wanted to sink against him and feel his hard body against hers.

He increased his stride, easily catching up to her. “Let me walk with you. You have a head wound.”

“I don’t have amnesia, I don’t have a concussion, and I don’t need your help, so back off.” She stepped into the empty street, to get some breathing space. Zirkov’s presence distracted her. She had trouble taking her eyes off him and thinking about that kiss yesterday would consume her thoughts if she didn’t focus.

She wanted to remember her conversation with the dead og’dal on the roof. She had talked to him, but the details evaded her. And once they’d finished talking… There was another gap in her memory.

Zirkov jogged ahead of her until she once again stood between the two marshals.

“Overprotective, Z? This is my neighborhood. I know the people who live here.”

“You think you know them.”

She tried to edge her way past Zirkov, but he sidestepped, blocking her. “Trust no one.”

“Not even you?”

“Do you talk this much when you’re protecting a witness?”

“I’m not a witness.”

“You’re in protective custody. Mine.”

“Which is unnecessary.”

“You can’t remember why you were on the roof or why you shot the og’dal. Or do you shoot all og’dals on sight?”

“You’re an ass.”

“I’ve been told this before.”

“By who?”

“You. At first, I thought it was an insult. I’ve heard humans use this term with people they don’t like. But I’ve caught you staring at my backside on numerous occasions.”

“I’veneverstared at your backside.”

Zirkov glanced back, a grin on his face. “You’re staring now.”

Fuck, she was. Maybe if he didn’t insist on walking in front of her, she wouldn’t stare at his rather shapely ass. She forced herself to watch her surroundings instead of Zirkov. Everyone was staring at her, the short woman walking single file between two huge aliens. So much for keeping a low profile.

The DAA would find out she was here. Then they’d discover the body and… And nothing. That answer popped into her head and it didn’t make any sense but she knew that’s what would happen.

“I think the DAA’s covering something up,” Maggie said.

Zirkov slammed to a halt so abruptly, she nearly ran into him. “Covering up what?”

“I’m not sure.” She rubbed her head, trying to get the buzzing to stop. “Maybe I should go to the hospital after all.”

“The DAA has access to footage there. I want to keep you hidden. If your condition worsens, I’ll find someone to take you to. Someone discreet.” Zirkov handed her gun to Konnitch. “Find a lab not associated with the DAA and run her weapon for DNA.”

Konnitch inhaled sharply. “The second I make the request, they’ll contact the DAA. I’ll have to get Kaci involved. They won’t question another human.”
