Page 60 of Stolen Vows

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“Yes. When I told himno, he tried to kidnap me. I feel like I’m in the middle of a pissing contest between you two. What’s going on, Roman?”

Guilt slams into my chest so hard it rattles my ribcage. I put Sophia in this position. In danger. My original intention was to use her as a pawn, a thing to be torn apart by Kozlov and myself. So much has changed since I first walked into the Pontrelli house that night to set my plan into action.

I don’t want Kozlov anywhere near Sophia. She’s mine in every way and I’ll abandon my entire plan for revenge to keep her safe. Not that it will go that far, but I’m willing to sacrifice whatever is needed to protect what’s mine.

“Roman?” she prompts.

“Kozlov apparently can’t take rejection.” The flippant response burns like acid in my mouth. I can’t tell her the truth of how I put her in this situation, or she'll loathe me forever. Once I deal with him, I’ll never have to lie to her again.

I hold her to me. “This will all be over soon. We’ll be wed, then he won’t dare touch you. I promise.”

Especially since he’ll be dead soon.



Originally, my wedding was supposed to be a grand affair at our church. But on my wedding day, I find myself getting ready in a suite at The Plaza on Fifth Avenue. It’s the most coveted wedding venue in the city and often booked out years in advance. I have no idea how Roman’s mother managed this, but it’s beyond amazing, like a real-life fairytale.

The suite is a swarm of activity. Hair and makeup artists attend to my four bridesmaids and me. My cousin Elena arrived yesterday from Italy, joining her twin Ravenna, and my two sisters as a bridesmaid. We’ve spent the entire morning being pampered and primped within an inch of our lives. I don’t think I’ve ever looked this perfect in my entire life.

The only negative energy hanging over me today is the memory of my horrifying bachelorette party a couple days ago. What was Nik going to do with me once he got me away from Roman?

I inwardly shiver at the possibilities.

Nik screamed at me and hit me at our engagement party because I wore a red dress and he didn’t like it. What would he do to me for being with Roman.

In the beginning, he might have forgiven me since I was technically kidnapped, but not now. I’ve freely given my body to Roman, we’re getting married, and I want this. Nik would have no mercy.

The other horror that night was Blake Baron. He’d sliced that man’s throat open while looking extremely bored, like he’s killed a hundred times. What kind of psycho can’t summon up a single emotion while they murder another person? Even seeing a hint of hatred or disgust on his face would have made me feel better—but nothing. Absolutely no emotion sparked in his eyes.

Today he’s Roman’s best man.

My mother and Mrs. De Luca enter the suite together. They’ve become good friends over the past few weeks.

Mama sees me and gasps. “You are breathtaking, Sophia.”

“Thanks, Mama.” I turn toward the wide, floor to ceiling mirror one last time. The gown is one of a kind, custom made for me by a much sought after Italian designer. It’s the epitome of elegance. All white silk edged in silver lace, a million tiny beads that catch the light and sparkle like dappled moonlight on the surface of a lake, with a train that goes on for miles. The veil is attached to a tiara that glitters with diamonds.

I feel like royalty. And I certainly look the part.

“It’s almost time,” my wedding planner announces. “Please everyone find your seats and take your places. We’ll start the procession in five minutes.”

Mama gently squeezes my shoulders. “I know today isn’t what we originally planned, including your groom, but I hope this is better. I hopeheis better.”

“It is.” I grace her with a reassuring smile. “He is, too. Roman is complicated, but he’s a good man. I’m proud to become his wife.”

“Good. As you know, I love your Papa, even if I hate him a little right now. But that wasn’t always the case. Arranged marriages are hard in the beginning. I hope you’ll be blessed like we were and fall in love with your new husband one day.”

I nod, stepping away from her to take my place in the procession line behind my sisters and cousins. My heart warms, thinking of how I’m pretty sure I’m already in love with my husband-to-be and falling deeper every single day.

My bridesmaids proceed to the dais as music floats through the air. Papa appears by my side, then the time finally arrives.

In what feels more like a dream than reality, I walk down the aisle on my Papa’s arm toward Roman. As soon as I see his bright yellow-hazel gaze on me, all I can focus on is him. He’s ridiculously handsome in his tuxedo. I keep thinking I’ll get used to his masculine beauty one day, but if that day is ever coming, it’s not today.

In fact, I don’t think I ever fully realized how gorgeous he is until this moment. His rugged good looks render me breathless as I stand in front of him.

The ceremony, the vows, and the exchange of rings goes by in a blur. Then suddenly, Roman and I are kissing to a roar of applause and cheers. He presses me into his body, his tongue slips past my lips in a kiss that’s meant to not only conquer but claim.
