Page 46 of Royal Fate

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“Good night, Alpha.”

Mirielle had finally drifted into a silent slumber by the time I returned to her side, but I still couldn’t sleep and remained awake all night, contemplating.

When dawn broke, bathing the bedroom in a pinkish-gray hue, Mirielle opened her eyes as I ran my fingers through her hair.

“Hey, you,” she mumbled, blinking. “What time is it?”

“Early,” I rasped, having used my voice for the first time in hours. “You can go back to sleep.”

She fully opened her eyes and sat up, concern coloring her face as she read my expression. “Are you okay?”

“That remains to be seen,” I sighed, swallowing thickly.


“You really feel like you need to do this? Go to the Locaza and get these answers?”

Understanding flooded her face, and she sighed deeply. “I don’t want to fight with you about it, Zen, and I know you don’t think it’s safe.”

“No, I don’t,” I agreed.

“And I know you don’t understand why I need to go.”

“That’s not true. I do understand,” I corrected her gently. “Let’s do it.”

“What?!” She sat upright, shaking her head as if she hadn’t heard me properly.

“We’re going, but we’re going to have to lay down some ground rules.”

“Okay…?” Mirielle cocked her head expectantly.

“We’re not telling anyone but Endora that we’re going, and we have to go today, before anyone figures out we’re gone.”

She sat straight up, her face flushing with excitement. “Yes!” she breathed. “Whatever you want!”

“It’s not what I want,” I told her honestly. “But apparently, it’s what the kingdom needs.”

She threw her arms around me and kissed my lips sweetly, pinning me down to the bed. “Do we have to leave this minute?” she whispered.

I smiled at her, shaking my head.

“Maybe not this exact second,” I confirmed, drawing her lips toward me.

She met my gaze, her expression so filled with the need to be loved, it tensed my heart. Without responding, she fell back, pulling me on top of her.

“That’s the way I like it,” I murmured, raining kisses over her neck and face.

She arched her back to allow my hands to explore her, and I instantly grew hard in response. My hardness shifted between her legs, and she gasped aloud, her eyes popping as she saw I was ready for her.

My lips grazed the flesh where her shoulders met her throat, and she moaned again, closing her eyes, her fingers twining in my hair. My palms slid underneath her nightgown to cup her perky breasts, head lowering as the fabric raised over her head. Tossing it aside, I buried my face in her breasts, nuzzling deep to inhale her succulence, taking it to memory like I always did.

“I love you,” I growled, my kisses getting hotter.

Her arms encircled my neck, yanking me closer, urging me to be rougher. I was propelled by her guidance, and I spread her wide, my face returning to hers. Our lips met again.

Slowly, I slipped off her panties, her spread knees rising to allow it, the flimsy silk landing across the duvet with her nightie. My fingers trailed along the tender flesh of her inner thighs, relishing the prickled skin as I teased her center.

Mirielle arched when my fingertips found her throbbing nub, my mouth back on hers, smothering her groans of pleasure. Our tongues clashed, one digit sliding inside her lubed core.
