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The object of her close study stopped to look out the window toward the sea. He must have been enjoying the view, as the smile was still on his face.

When was the last time she had stopped and really ogled a guy? Vivian couldn’t remember. Her tongue found its way to her lips, brushing gently over them. If her first drink hadn’t been such a disappointment, she might have been tempted to linger in the Sunview Bar, perhaps even strike up a conversation with the newcomer. She was single, and there was nothing to stop her talking to a stranger and sharing a laugh or two over a cocktail.

Vivian let out a long slow breath. A pulse gently throbbed between her legs as a hunger awakened.

God, I hope my room is ready.

She was in sudden need of some private alone time with her battery operated friend and some lube. Two showers might well be in order. One steamy, the other stone cold.


Talk about the land of the dead. There was barely anyone in the bar. Bryce shuddered to think how the sales receipts for the day would look.Dismal.On his way in he had passed a young woman on her way out of the bar. He’d been tempted to turn and give her long brown hair, and that tight black skirt which hugged her hips a second look, but the dearth of customers in the Sunview Bar had caught his immediate attention.

Glancing around the near empty room, Bryce had spied a half finished drink on a nearby table. He’d quickly put two and two together. The woman in the polka dot blouse had clearly decided her expensive cocktail wasn’t worth finishing.

Little wonder she barely managed a polite smile in response to mine.

After checking the sea view, he ordered a drink and took a seat in a booth. For the next hour, Bryce sat and watched the door. During that time only a handful of people wandered in. Most stayed for one drink, then left. Laguna Beach resort was a brand new luxury resort. It should have been packed with people eager to test its offerings. His father’s concerns about this major company investment were fast becoming his own.

Jordan, I think you missed something in doing a soft opening. Do people even know about this place? Or if they do, are they actively avoiding it?

The big formal public launch scheduled for early December had better set this town on its ear or they were in serious trouble. A resort hemorrhaging cash could pose a real risk to Edward’s US expansion plans.

Bryce finished his glass of Australian shiraz and headed back to the bar. It was time to put the barman to the test.

“A gin and tonic please.”

The barman blinked slowly, then set about making the requested drink. The last of Bryce’s faint hopes that the bar might hold the secret to the resort’s success died. He wasn’t much of a gin and tonic drinker, but it was one of the best ways he knew how to test the merits of a bartender. You didn’t judge a guest by their choice of food or drink. A blink or a raised eyebrow was enough to tell him that the man didn’t approve of his choice of spirits.

It’s not your role to pass judgement buddy, you should be more concerned with making me, a paying guest, feel welcome while at the same time creating an excellent drink. One which I will enjoy so much that I will come back for another.

Damn. All the things that should have presented the Royal Resorts brand in its finest light were sadly lacking. Grabbing his drink, Bryce headed out to the balcony. His father’s dreams of winning an award for this resort were a long way from coming true.


At the mention of his name, he stopped mid stride. His gaze landed on a former team member from one of the Spanish resorts. As the man moved forward, Bryce briefly shook his head.Not here.

He let out a sigh of relief as the man turned on his heel and retreated back into the kitchen. Bryce set his untouched drink down on a nearby table and quickly left the bar.

Back in his room, he waited. It wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door. Tony had obviously found his old boss among the new guest check-ins and noted the number of Bryce’s suite.

“Bryce, it’s good to see you. I’m sorry if I caused any problems in the bar. I was just a little taken aback to see you. I thought this was Jordan’s gig.”

Bryce stepped forward and offered his hand. “No damage done, Tony. There wasn’t anyone in the bar to see me. Which to be honest is a real worry.”

Tony nodded. “Are you here to check things out while Jordan is back in New York? If you are then I have to say that’s a huge worry off my mind. This place is not getting off to a good start.”

He refused to give voice to the truth that he was betraying his brother. Bryce decided a little white lie would be the lesser of two evils. “I hadn’t realized Jordan was home on the East Coast until after I had checked in. Talk about the two of us having poor timing. I just happen to be passing through LA, so I thought it would be a good idea to come and see the place.”

His fingers settled nervously on the back of his neck. He’d worked with Tony long enough to sense that he wasn’t buying the bullshit story for one single minute. “Look. I can’t really discuss anything, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t use my name around the resort. I need to receive a proper guest experience if you get my meaning.”

Tony had been in charge of a large catering team at the Royal Resort in Barcelona, so if anyone had a good inkling of what Bryce was asking for, it was him.

“Of course. If there is anything I can help you with, you only have to ask.”

His father had sent him out to California, leaving him with no real time to review who was on the staff roster at Laguna Beach. Without knowing the team list or where loyalties might currently reside, Bryce feared he’d made a major misstep.

“What role are you performing here, Tony?”
