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Bryce broke through the water, and into the bright sunshine. He sucked in a lungful of air. After three glasses of prosecco he needed to clear his head. A dip in the generous sized pool was perfect. It was made all that more perfect by the woman in the red bikini whose legs he deliberately brushed past on his way to the surface.

“You have a strong stroke Bryce,” said Vivian.

At those words, his sorely neglected manhood pricked to attention. It liked what it heard.

Down boy. She means my freestyle.

Coming to stand alongside Vivian, Bryce brushed back his hair. “My mother had me and my brothers take swimming lessons from an early age. She was desperate to make sure we were all drown proof. There was no mucking about with junior life preservers or floatation devices, you learned to swim.”

Alice Royal had lost a relative to a water accident at a young age and had made it her mission to make sure that none of her offspring ever suffered the same fate. If he was ever blessed with his own brood, Bryce intended to do the same and have them learn as soon as they were able.

“You are no slouch in the pool, Vivian. I can’t believe you almost beat me in that underwater race.”

He had thought to go easy and possibly let her win, but Vivian had quickly shown him that she could cut through the water like an Olympic champion. It had been a close run battle by the time they reached the other end of the pool, with Bryce just managing to touch the tiles ahead of her.

He was enjoying today. Work had kept him busy over the past couple of years, with Bryce often putting in eighty hour weeks. The Europeans all said he was mad, but mostly they put it down to his American background. What they didn’t realize was that his running of the resorts on the Continent and the UK were a test to see if he had what it took to eventually succeed his father, to become CEO of Royal Resorts USA.

“Do you fancy a spot of lunch? I saw one of their woodfired pizzas coming out earlier and it looked delicious,” he offered.

“Pizza sounds perfect. I did check out their menu last night, and the four mushroom pizza caught my eye. Of course being a New Yorker, I reserve the right to judge any pizza these West Coast people serve up,” replied Vivian.

Bryce shook his head. “I’ve lived and worked a lot in Italy, so I think I should be the one to decide whether the pizza is worthy of its name.”

Vivian’s haughty glare had him grinning. “Are you really prepared to take me on over pizza when I have almost twenty four million people in the tri-state area at my back?”

He threw up his hands in mock defeat. “Alright. Let’s hop out and get dried, then I’ll get the cabana host to order us some food. I could do with an espresso, I’ve only had one so far today.

“How many do you usually drink?”

“By this time, I’m usually onto my fourth.”

* * *

Vivian waited, hanging back in the water while Bryce headed for the ladder. It was a deliberate ploy on her part. If she delayed things, it would give her the opportunity to observe him as he climbed out. It was like watching one of those male cologne ads in real life. She appreciated the way the water beaded and dripped off Bryce’s broad shoulders and down his back. The only thing missing was a hot music soundtrack.

She moved closer taking in his toned ass. The way those swim trunks hung so low on his hips was criminal. Her mind was still playing out the fantasy of her being a cop and subjecting Bryce to a full body search. When it came to her sexy imagination, she knew exactly where to pat him down in the search for his concealed weapon.

Gee, Vivian, you are acting like a bitch on heat. What is wrong with you?

Bryce had no idea the danger he was in. If he kept on giving her these porny wet dreams, she would fall on him like a ravenous sexy beast the second he made any sort of move.

Whoa girl; he said this was a no obligations day. And that works both ways. Don’t go assuming just because he is a man that he will want sex.

She already had Plan B figured out. On the way back to her room, she would call in at the gift shop and pick up some batteries. There would be no need for lube. Her imagination had all her lady parts well and truly hydrated. Her nipples were still on high beam, but they had been that way all morning.

When she reached the ladder, Bryce was waiting. In true gentleman style, he offered her his hand as Vivian stepped onto the pool deck. Her heart gave a little flutter as they exchanged a soft smile. She couldn’t remember a time when a man had made her feel this way. Horny and gooey all at once.

They made their way over to the cabana and a search for towels began. Vivian checked the little cupboard behind the sunbeds, the obvious place where she would expect to find them. It was empty.Another mark against Royal Resorts Laguna Beach. They really have made a slip-up with this new Platinum Collection.

“We might have to go and ask at the pool desk,” she suggested.

Bryce disappeared. When he returned his cheerful mood had darkened. “You wouldn’t believe it, but they are out of towels. How can a resort charge for cabanas and not provide towels?”

According to the attendant, whose story was backed up by their cabana host when he returned from ordering their lunch, the pool area often ran out of towels midafternoon. The next load of dry ones wouldn’t arrive from the laundry service until close to six o’clock.
