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“Because the review I left you on that dating app was really spiteful and horrible. You confided something deeply personal to me, and I abused that trust. It was wrong of me, and I’m here to apologize. Unreservedly.”

His last remark finally saw some of her wit returning. “Wow. How hard was that for you to say?”

He met her eyes. “Not as hard as knowing I probably hurt you. I’m not someone used to putting a foot wrong, but I have to tell you, Vivian, I’m limping all over the place. You were spot on about the resort at Laguna Beach and all its failings. My business meeting in LA the morning you left was with our linen suppliers. My brother Jordan, who was supposed to be making the resort perfect for its opening, has been sent back to California to personally remedy the situation.”

Vivian swallowed deep. She hadn’t thought she would ever get the opportunity to tell Bryce how much his words had hurt.I owe it to myself to let him know the truth.

“You are right, you did hurt me with that review on the dating app. It was a personal attack and nasty. People mightn’t have known my identity, but they made it clear what they thought of me on the site. They downgraded my profile to junk status.”

Bryce nodded. “So that’s why you deleted your account. If it’s any comfort, I did try and take down my review, but you were already gone.”

“You shouldn’t have posted it in the first place,” she bit back, her anger rising.

“I know. I know. I’m sorry. I assumed you knew who I was, and that you must have thought I knew who you were. When I read the three star review, I took it as a critique of our sexual encounter.” He kicked at the sand, digging it away with the toe of his hand crafted loafer. “It all sounds so stupid now, but I assumed you’d played me. I was so angry and humiliated. Then I remembered the millionaire dating app and took my revenge.”

A couple out walking their dog passed close by. Vivian offered them a tight smile. Anyone who bothered to take a look at her and Bryce would notice their stiff stances. They may as well have hung a large sign above their heads which read ‘couple having a fight.’

She waited until the other beach goers had moved away. “What do you want Bryce? For me to accept your apology so you can get back on your private jet and return to Planet Billionaire? No. I don’t accept it. You lied to me, and then you deliberately hurt me. Now please leave.”

When he moved nearer, the wind brought the scent of his cologne to her nose. Vivian breathed in deep. The last time they had been this close, he had been making promises about them spending another night of passion together. She had been so full of hope that morning. Right up until the second she discovered who Bryce Jones really was, and that he had lied to her.

“I want another chance, Vivian. A chance for us to get to know one another. No more lies, or hidden identities. Just Bryce and Vivian.”

Hot tears stung her eyes. Her trust issues with men flared hot in her veins. How many times had she played out this scene in all its horrid variations with Pete? Stuff up, followed by apology, followed by another stuff up, and then usually ending in a heart breaking lie.

Nope. Not happening.

She brushed past him. “Go back to your glittering New York palace, Bryce.”

This was one billionaire who wasn’t going to get another chance to hurt her.


Hunger got the better of her an hour later. Vivian ventured out from her hotel room, and down to the parking garage. The resort had plenty of fine dining options, but for her Galveston meant an evening at Gaido’s Seafood Restaurant along the Seawall Boulevard.

Her little blue dress had stayed at home, tonight was a night for a short flippy skirt and sandals. A dark green floral top finished her outfit. Only a fool wore white to a place famous for its fried seafood platter.

Turning right out of the resort, she drove along the beach road. A belly full of delicious food beckoned. She had only gone a couple of hundred yards when she spotted a familiar figure sitting on a low bench facing out to sea. He was alone, and in the fading light it was only his pale blue linen suit jacket which made him stand out.

“Go home, Bryce,” she whispered, as she passed by.

Another hundred yards further up the road, she glanced in the rear view mirror then slowed. After a quick check of the oncoming traffic, Vivian turned the car round.

He hadn’t moved from his spot on the blue and yellow painted sea box when Vivian drew up alongside a few minutes later. She turned off the Corolla and climbed out. Vivian marched across to the beach seat and with hands on hips faced Bryce.

“You know what I’ve just realized, Mister Bryce Royal? I almost let you get away with it. But I owe it to myself to make you feel the pain, like you did with me.”


“If I could have left you my own review on the dating app it would go something like this.” Vivian huffed. “Girls, avoid this guy at all costs if you value your heart. His lies will leave you and what’s left of your pride in the gutter.”

Her voice broke on that last word, as Vivian fought against the tears. Just seeing Bryce brought back all those wonderful memories of that night they had shared.

“Goodbye Bryce.”


