Page 29 of Blood Chased

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Nero was into classic rock. And not classic rock from the late nineties and early oughts.

Real classic rock.

Tunes that were from the '70s and '80s. There were a lot of guitar riffs, and Nero insisted that the only way to listen to that kind of music was way too loud.

Valentine preferred the Top 40s. The kind of music you heard in malls and grocery stores. The kind that might have nonsensical and repetitive beats and lyrics, but most of it was happy-sounding.

And she needed happy tunes.

“You can’t like this stuff,” he argued as he tried to change the dial.

“Nope.” She slapped his hand away. “You’re the one who made the rule.”

“Well, yeah. But when I made the rule, I thought I would be driving the whole way. I didn’t think you would hijack my own truck from me.”

She rolled her eyes. “This is your punishment for moving me from the couch to the bed last night.”

“I won’t make that mistake again,” he grumbled.

“Good,” she said with a grin. “You’re learning.”

“I was trying to be a gentleman,” he insisted.

“You barely slept! You were twice the size of that couch. What you should be doing is napping. Resting. It’ll be your turn at the wheel soon enough.”

Nero placed his head against the seat and groaned. “But how am I supposed to rest with this playing?”


“No. I won’t be able to sleep. This music is worse than the couch.”

“I swear, it’s like traveling with a toddler.”

This made him laugh. “Sure. Because you’d put a toddler behind the wheel.”

“Sleep now, Nero.”

“Fine,” he said, turning his head toward the window.

To reward him for his good behavior, Valentine turned down the music and only kept it loud enough to bob her head to. She mouthed along to a few of her favorites, but she was always careful not to be too loud.

Nero needed his sleep.

Not just because of the driving either.

Valentine wasn’t too sure what would happen when they found Lilliane, but there was a small chance a fight would break out, and as a shifter, Nero was the best fighter.

She didn’t exactly have any experience in hand-to-hand combat.

That’s when she started to think that maybe this plan was an insane one that would get both of them killed.

Valentine shook her head and cast away all of her doubts.

As soon as she saw Lilliane, she would demand that her sister come home. Or if not home, then at least go back to the cabin. Lilliane would have to listen to her.

She just had to.

Valentine couldn’t lose anyone else.
