Page 3 of Blood Chased

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Nero chuckled. “Has she guessed that it’s the town wolves' way of keeping her in town? And happy?”

“It took her about two seconds to put that together, but she isn’t going anywhere.”

“That’s good. Keep her happy. You don’t want to deal with an unhappy mate.”

Reece nodded, not needing Nero to explain further. Every wolf for a hundred miles in every cardinal direction knew what Nero meant. The story was legendary in these parts, though not as legendary as what had happened to Reece’s parents. Nero’s own parentage was a tad less complicated, if not just as painful.

“Actually, the happiness of mates kind of has something to do with why I’m here,” Reece said.

“Shocker,” Nero laughed before sipping his coffee.

“Celestine is happy, but she is very worried about her sister.”

“The one who left?”

“Yeah. Of course, but more immediately, she is concerned for Valentine. She lives in that small cottage a short walk from here.”

“The border cottage,” Nero nodded. “Is she settling in okay?”

“I have no clue. That’s the problem. Can you do me a favor?” Reece asked.

Nero threw his head back with a laugh. “Another? Didn’t I just help you and your mate with the whole vampire council thing?”

Reece pursed his lips and shook his head. “Really?”

“Ah, come on, man. I can tease you, can’t I? Now, tell me. What’s this favor you want?”

“Can you check on Valentine? She hasn’t been quite herself since Lilliane agreed to leave with the vampire council. She won’t even open the door to her sister anymore.”

“What makes you think she’ll talk to me if she doesn’t talk to Celestine?”

“I don’t know. We’ve got to try something. The longer Valentine ignores Celestine, the sadder she gets. I’ve got to think outside the box here.”

Nero considered it. “I guess it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility for the sheriff to stop by and welcome her to town.”

“So you’ll do it.” Not a question. A certainty. A favor between two alphas.

“I’ll do it,” Nero said. “But don’t expect anything.”

“I owe you one, man. I really do.”

He waved off his friend. “No one keeps track of favors around here.”

* * *

Nero parkedhis Sheriff’s truck beside the little black sports car and hopped out. He adjusted his belt, using the car’s window as a reflective surface. The small backseat was littered with wrappers and empty bottles of water. He grinned at the mess.

This Valentine lady didn’t treat her car with the respect it deserved. He could use that. Maybe tease her about it.

He slowly climbed up the steps, careful not to tread too loudly and terrify the poor girl. She was, after all, the daughter of a vampire. She had nearly been kidnapped by a band of idiot vamps.

Nero knocked on the door with a single knuckle and waited.

There was no answer.

His grin turned into a full smile. Reece had warned him that Valentine was being stubbornly solitary. Nero liked a challenge. It was probably why Reece had asked for Nero’s help.

He knocked again, this time using all his knuckles. The sound was louder and made the screen door rattle.
