Page 34 of Blood Chased

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She shrugged. “Not exactly, but I figure you are. Maybe you can boost me up.”

“Sure. Then what? We haven’t exactly thought this through. I didn’t think there would be a gate. Why didn’t I think there would be a gate?”

“Because I didn’t know. I’ve never been here before.”

“We’re at a disadvantage,” he said carefully. “But I have an idea. I can shift into my wolf and scale the wall. At best, the vamps think there is a wild animal on their grounds.”

“At worse, they know you’re a shifter. They just left a whole bunch of wolves who killed one of the council members.”

“Oh?” he asked teasingly. “Do vampires have good memories?”

She pursed her lips at him. “Yeah. It was only a month ago. I think they’ll remember.”

“It’s the only plan we got, though.”

“And what am I supposed to do?” she asked.

“Sit right here,” he told her. “No matter what, you donotmake your presence known.”

“Thereisanother plan. I could walk right up to the gate and demand to see my sister.”

Nero shook his head. “Are you insane? You’d run the risk of them taking you also. I amnotletting that happen, you hear me?”

“Letting me?” she snapped.

“I didn’t agree to drive you here so you could join your sister in her vamp prison or whatever this is.”

“But if it’s the only way …”

“It’s not the only way,” he assured her. “Trust me. I’m a sheriffanda wolf. I know things.”

“Fine. Do what you want, and I’ll be sitting here. Doing nothing. Like a silly damsel in distress.”

“There’s nothing silly about you. Just promise me that you’ll sit here and not move until I get back.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Promise?”

“I can’t be worrying about you. It’ll be too distracting.”

Val couldn’t think why. She also didn’t want to make a promise she wasn’t entirely sure she could keep. She crossed her fingers and lied. “Yup. Promise.” She did feel a little bad for the lie, but Lilliane washerresponsibility. Not Nero’s.

He nodded and sighed as if he didn’t fully believe her. “Okay. Here goes nothing. Behave.”

“Always do.”

It was his turn to purse his lips at her. “Hardly.”

She watched as Nero hopped out of the truck and shifted into his wolf shape. The big wolf scaled the rock wall with surprising ease. She hadn’t really expected that part of the plan to be so easy for him, but it was. He was agile and athletic in his human body, and she should’ve known his wolf would only be more so.

Just like that, Nero was over the wall, and she was sitting in his truck all alone. She locked the door as she had promised to do. After a few seconds of waiting, she pulled out her phone and started the stopwatch on her phone.

If Nero wasn’t back in five minutes, she would … she would …

Well, Valentine didn’t know what she would do, but she would find something. A way to help. A way to get in touch with her sister and give her shit for making her do this in the first place.

Valentine craned her neck to try to see over the wall from the truck. Nothing.

She tried not to breathe to listen for any noise. Nothing again.

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