Page 40 of Coffee & Cuffs

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“Would you like that?” Carson ran his finger over Sam’s bottom lip. “To feel the cold tight metal clamp around your wrists?”

He groaned long and low. Yes! Sam wanted that.

“Not tonight, baby doll.”


Carson tapped Sam’s bottom lip. “I would never use the cuffs that I have put on a criminal’s wrist. Those things don’t exactly get cleaned. Daddy will get you a brand-new pair of cuffs that will be just for you and me.”

“Really? You swear?”

“Yes, baby, I will. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to cuff another suspect after using some on you but that’s a problem for later.”

Sam giggled. He could just picture Carson springing a boner every time he cuffed someone. That would sure shock a few bad guys.

“It’s probably a good thing that I have detectives and uniformed officers to do most of the arresting for me.”

Sam nodded along. It would suck if he couldn’t get cuffed just because it turned his Daddy on.

“Now since I don’t have cuffs to use tonight, I have other plans. First, we need to get these clothes off you. Daddy can’t punish you if you're not naked.”

He almost asked if he always had to be naked for punishments in the future but with significant effort managed to keep his sass inside. He really wanted to see what Carson had in mind for their night and not mess anything up.

“Now hold still. Let Daddy do all the work. That’s your punishment. You don’t get to touch.”

Sam almost scoffed. Being doted on and having someone take care of all his needs? Yeah, not going to argue with that.

“Hands flat on the mattress, baby doll.”

“No problem, Daddy.” Sam had this. This wasn’t going to be hard.

That thought lasted about two minutes into Carson undressing him. His Daddy didn’t just pull off Sam’s clothes. Carson moved one piece of item to the side before kissing and licking all of Sam’s body. It took forever for Carson to actually get Sam naked. By the time he was fully nude, Sam’s cock strained toward his bellybutton and he was sweating and moaning in pleasure.

If Sam lifted his hands off the mattress, Carson would pop Sam’s thigh hard enough that Sam’s breath caught. His erection only got harder with each smack.

“Pucker those plump lips for Daddy.”

Giving his Daddy his best sultry look, he puckered up.

Instead of Sam receiving a kiss like he expected, Carson picked up Sam’s strawberry lip gloss and slathered it on Sam’s mouth. Sam smacked his lips and smiled.

“Perfect,” Carson stated as he rose. He strode over to Sam’s closet and disappeared inside.

Sam contemplated giving his cock a few strokes while Carson was occupied.

“If you touch that pretty cock of yours, I will make you go to bed without coming for a week.”

That sounded horrifying. Sam gripped the comforter under him just so he wouldn’t tempt fate.

Exiting the closet, Carson held up two of Sam’s silk scarves. “Are you ready for Daddy?”

Sam moaned out his answer.

Chapter Thirteen


If he'd ever been more turned on in his entire life, Carson didn’t remember a time. He’d meant to tease and torture his baby doll, but it had been hard for him as well. Carson wanted to sink his cock in Sam’s luscious mouth and tight ass.
