Page 7 of Coffee & Cuffs

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“You’re rich?” Caden repeated. “Likerich?”


“But you work in a coffee shop,” Caden pointed out.

“Because I like the job but mostly because Susie needed someone she trusted running it as she aged.”

“That makes sense,” Caden said. “And you do live in a nice apartment. I just thought you were good at saving your money.”

Sam laughed. “I am. My grandmother had bought me both my apartment and SUV. I live off my salary at the coffee shop and had no reason to touch my trust.”

“I hear a but coming,” Adam encouraged when Sam didn’t continue.

“After what happened, Susie decided to sell the coffee shop,” Sam told them.

Caden gasped. “What? We’re closing? But…”

“I don’t think we’re closing,” Adam corrected. “Are we, Sam?”

“No, we’re not.”

“We’re not?” Caden sounded so hopeful.

“I love the coffee shop. I enjoy working there, the customers are great, and it’s where I met you all. I couldn’t let it go. Plus, Susie can do some traveling now like she always wanted.”

Caden’s eyes widened. “You bought the coffee shop?”

“I did.” Sam hoped this would be okay. His friends had taken the news about his family and his money well, but would they want him to be their boss?

“That’s so great! I was so scared I wouldn’t see you guys every day! I would be lost without you.”

“Nothing is going to change. I’m not making an announcement or anything. We want it to be a smooth transition.”

“Of course!” Caden responded.

Sam turned to look over his shoulder at Adam.

“I don’t know,” Adam told him quietly. He pressed his lips tightly together as he frowned.

Sam’s heart sank. He’d expected Adam to be fine with the change.

“Can I get a raise?”

“Oh!” Caden held up his hand. “Me too! You’re rich—you can afford it. I can buy more stuffies, and jammie sets, and…and…”

Sam gasped, shocked, while Adam, Caden, and Lincoln all started to laugh loudly.

“Screw you all,” Sam growled out.

“Of course, we’re okay with it,” Adam assured him. “We love you. You already do everything around the shop, place the orders, make the schedule, and take care of all of us. No other job would allow my ridiculous school schedule. Once again, you’re stepping in to take care of us because that is the wonderful guy that you are. You are nothing like your father or the rest of your family. Except maybe your grandmother. She sounds awesome.”

“I love you too.” Sam turned to throw his arms around Adam’s neck.

“Me too!” Caden shouted and climbed onto the couch to hug them both.

Sam laughed as Caden and Adam each kissed a cheek.

“Wait. There is more thing,” Sam said.
