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And then he went and said shit like that. Part of me wanted to close up, and just answer by stripping naked and tossing myself on the bed in front of him, but no. I wasn’t going to leave any doubt there.

I took off the vest and got up to lay it over the back of a chair as I worked up my courage, then I stepped back in toward him, lifting onto my toes and looking him in the eye. “I’m ready. I want you.” I wrapped my hand around his cock—and thank fuck it actually fit all the way around him, or I’d have started panicking about whether it was a good idea to try—and slid it along his length, spreading the slickness along his hot skin. “Are you ready for me?”

The grin on his face was near feral and all human. “I have been ready since the moment I saw you.”

He picked me up, jostling my hand away from his cock, and carried me over to drop me back onto the giant bed.

Maybe those warrior reflexes had been honed for battle, but they worked pretty damn well for this, too, as seconds later I was spread across his bed, naked. When had he taken the pants off? I had no idea, but they had been the last thing between me and that gorgeous, perfect cock, so good riddance.

He slid into the vee between my legs, lifting my ass up onto his knees before hesitating. “You are certain?”

I reached down and twined my hand with his, nodding. “I am. Just, you know, be careful. Fragile human body not made for giant alien dicks.”

He gave me a serious look and proceeded to slick his fingers from his own dick, then reached up to slide them into me, testing. First one finger, and holy crap were his fingers way bigger than a human’s, then two, and almost immediately, I was gasping and pushing against him.

How was that tingly, slick sensation so amazing? I’d always been firmly against those mentholated lubes, since they seemed dangerous to be putting on your most sensitive parts. But this was just... perfect.

“I think you’re wrong, my Lucas,” he whispered as he pulled those perfect slick fingers away after just a few moments. Not nearly long enough. I whined and pushed toward him, but he held me in place. “I think your sweet human body was made exactly for this. For me. For us.”

With just one arm, he pulled my hips up, and using the other hand to guide his cock, he pushed inside.

For just a second, every nerve ending in my ass was on fire—screaming that this was the worst idea ever and oh my gods what had I been thinking—and just as quickly, it was over, and he was inside me. Sheathed, completely, and I could feel every ridge and bump, just a tiny bit harder, sturdier, than a human cock.

He had an armored dick.

I had to stifle a giggle at the thought, but a second later he pulled back and all I could do was gasp and clutch at his arms. If those ridges had protested on the way in, there was no such concern coming back out. Or on the second stroke at all. No, it was just an utter overwhelm of pure sensation, bigger than anything else I’d ever taken, but with no friction burn—just enough to feel... everything.

I arched up into him, pushing into his third thrust. Maybe the growl in his chest should have stopped me, since everyone thought growling was bad, but I knew. This wasn’t. This was Kaelum riding the edge of control because it was just as overwhelming on his side.

I opened my eyes and stared up into his fathomless brown ones, gasping for breath, and managed to ask, “This what you wanted?”

His eyes sparked even brighter, and he leaned down to kiss me before pulling back and answering. “Perfect. So tight. So much...” He lost his words in the middle and groaned into my neck, panting and thrusting harder and harder.

All I could do was hold on for dear life and whine at the feel of him fucking me—I couldn’t even hope to keep up with his pistoning hips as he thrust into me over and over.

Without warning, my orgasm rushed over me, white-hot and pulsing like his star-brand tattoos, my whole body arching up into him as I cried out. He didn’t stop, or even slow, just fucked me right through it, holding me at that pinnacle and pushing me back up to the crest over and over until all I could do was gasp and whimper with each thrust.

Just as I was about to cry mercy and beg him to stop and think of my poor abused ass, he went taut above me, every muscle locked as he curled into me, cock thrust deep and pulsing hard and... fuck, he was coming, and I could feel it. That was totally different than anything I’d ever felt before.

It was... Warmth spread through me, not like another orgasm, but like pure sunshine, filling me up and up and up, until I was floating on it, only distantly aware of the room and Kaelum over me.

Everything was this quiet, sunshine-filled serenity, and it was all I wanted.

Like that, with Kaelum still inside me, I drifted off into a relaxed, easy sleep.



That evening, I fell in love with Lucas’s languid, blissful smile. His eyes were half lidded, his lashes fluttering against his soft cheeks. I had seen him blush before, and seen the way heat rushed under his skin in warm pink pools when I took his swollen cock on my tongue, but it was different now that I had been inside him, felt his breath as my own.

All that warmth belonged to me. Everything between us was light and pleasure. The way his body arched to meet me, the sounds he made as I drove him to come, would be seared into my memory forever.

I fell to the side, slipping my arm beneath him and pulling him close. I liked the way he smelled now, like sweat and sex, the proof of our joining in the rumpled silks and his messy hair.

My cock slid out of his ass, every bump of his tight ring of muscles over the ridges sending a flash of pleasure through me until my eyes were squeezed shut and I had to fight the urge to bury myself in his flesh again, only to stay there forever.

Lucas whined, but he didn’t wake, only pouted so sweetly I had to kiss him.
