Page 114 of Forbidden Wish

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“Yes. Bryan. His name is Bryan.”

Lachlan would know that the cops would have Mila’s original statement. They’d also talked to him, if Mila was right. Lachlan being so thorough suggested they’d caught Bryan doing more than just being an incidental boyfriend unrelated to any crime.

“Yvonne Ingham was seeing a Bryan too,” she said. “It was on her social media. No picture though.”

Lachlan got closer to the bed. “Where did Stephanie meet him?”

The picture was just the opening shot. In all the times she’d asked Lachlan to take the case, he’d reminded her he wasn’t homicide. Porn though, women being trafficked, forced into prostitution, that was her ex’s deal. Unfortunately, in this case, one segued into the other.

“I don’t know,” Mila said with a head shake that prompted her hand to her crown. “Maybe I should know that. Do I know that?”

“You are still recovering.” Adjusting the pillows, she eased Mila back down. “You get some rest and we’ll come back later.”

Opening her arms wide to the guys, she herded them into the hallway.

“You’re hindering my investigation.”

“That woman has been through enough,” she whispered to Lachlan. “She lost her friend, her apartment, and almost her life. She doesn’t know anything about Bryan, I asked her before. She said the cops talked to him. How did you find him the first time?”

“We didn’t. He caught our guys outside. They talked for a minute, turned around and the guy was gone.”

Great. Dead end. “Tell us about the movie. What was it?”

“That’s not how this works. I don’t give you information. I get information… or I should.”

Not so long ago, he’d give her details. Something was different.

“Please, just help us—”

“Torture porn,” Jagg said. “That’s what the movies are, right? The women being tortured for the client’s pleasure.”

“More than that,” Lachlan said, apparently giving in… a little.

“More? What’s—”

“They’re snuff movies.”

“Snuff?” she asked. “Why do I feel like I should know what that is?”

“Murder,” Jagg said, squeezing her shoulder. “They’re being killed on film…”

“For the client’s pleasure,” she whispered, stalled on that for a second before being infused with complete outrage. “That’s what this is about? Fucking movies?”

“Keep your voice down,” Lachlan said, getting closer. “Whatever was going on in the Carlyle, we need witnesses to testify.”

Who would do that? Mila? Marseille?

“Sersha says if they testify, they’re dead.”

“She threatened them?” Jagg asked.

“No, she knows how the Manzanis work.”

“I’ll deal with my sister. Right now, we need to track down the guy on this drive.”

“How many were there?” she asked. “Movies?”

“So far just one.”
