Page 3 of Bain

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“Mind-blowing sex,” I correct her. “But whatever you want to call it.”

She laughs again, taking my glass from me. Her fingers caress mine as she pulls it free and takes another delicate sip before turning it back over. “It’s a shame I have another commitment or I’d take you up on that offer.”

Okay, shocked once again and where I thought I was on equal footing with this woman, I’m clearly not. “Are you serious or joking?”

“Serious as a heart attack.” She inclines her head, her expression genuinely regretful. “It was nice to meet you.”

I’m the guy who’s always the quick-witted flirt, but she’s reduced me to muteness. It’s only when she starts to walk away that I jolt out of it. I take her wrist. “Wait.” She smiles at me with raised eyebrows. “Let me have your number.”

“Want to sext?”

My jaw drops but I recover, offering a sly grin. “I’m really good at it. But I was thinking we’d start with dinner.”

“Kiera,” someone calls out, and we both glance to the foyer to see Brienne standing there with Drake’s kids. Brienne waves her over.

“Sorry,” she says, tugging her wrist free. “Duty calls.”

“Duty?” I ask with confusion.

“Got to get my nephews to bed. I promised Brienne I’d help since she’s the hostess of this party.”


Fuck… this is Drake’s sister.

“Thanks for the banter,” she says. “A shame we’re not able to scratch each other’s itch.”

And once again shocked silent, I can only watch her walk away. When she reaches Brienne and the boys, the ladies exchange words and then Kiera ushers the boys upstairs. I’m assuming to put them to bed.

Something bumps my shoulder and I see Coen standing there.

“What’s up?” I say, my eyes still on the staircase, even though Kiera is gone.

“Don’t go there, dude.”

I turn to face him. “Go where?”

“Anywhere near Drake’s sister,” he says. “He made it clear from day one on this team she’s off-limits.”

“I wasn’t here on day one,” I reply, unwilling to have this woman taken away from me before I have a good shot at her. “So I didn’t get the message.”

Coen shrugs. “Your death, not mine.”

I snort, because that’s being overly dramatic.

Still… I’d take Drake on.

His sister can’t look at me that way, tell me it’s a shame she can’t scratch my itch and not assume I won’t come after her.



“I’m tired, AuntKiera.” Jake tugs on my hand and looks up at me. As the eldest of Drake’s three boys at age seven, he’s never the whiner. He’s always helping to take care of his younger twin brothers, Colby and Tanner. But in fairness to him, watching his dad play hockey is exhausting. The boys don’t go to a lot of games, mostly because it makes for very late nights.

But on weekend afternoon games, such as today, Drake likes them in the stands watching and they’re over the moon to be there. Drake has four season tickets right behind the Titans’ goal, where he defends twice during a game—first and third periods. It makes it so he can turn around and shoot the boys a wink during TV timeouts and yes, while it’s cute… they all three go apeshit when he does that and they’re almost impossible to get settled down.

All three of them stood at the glass the entire time, watching their dad stop shot after shot. Unfortunately, two slipped through and the only goal scored by Stone Highsmith late in the third period wasn’t enough to win the game.
