Page 5 of Bain

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“I look forward to seeing you both again.”

I gracefully step away, my heart racing a bit that Bain’s mom would just come right out with the matchmaking. I have no desire for that and what little I’ve come to know about her son, he’s not into that either.

I smile internally as I head over toward the boys to round them up, remembering the conversation with Bain. He and I seemed very much alike, neither of us interested in anything serious. I’ve had amazingly bad luck finding someone to have a fling with since moving here… maybe he’s the one.

Granted, I’ve been incredibly busy between work and the kids, but now that Drake’s seeing Brienne, the boys are with her on the nights he travels to away games. I meet my brother at the couch and step into him for a hug in commiseration. “Sorry about the loss, bro.”

He squeezes me. “Thanks.”

My eyes go to Brienne and I share my empathy with her as well. It’s her team, so the loss stings just as much. She smiles wanly, her hand reaching out absently to tousle Colby’s hair. He tips his head back and smiles at her. My heart does a flippity-flop because Brienne used to be terrified of kids. Now those boys adore her and she’s going to make a wonderful mom to them. There’s no doubt in my mind that Drake will be proposing. There was a time when I never thought he would marry again because of how bad his first marriage had become. But Brienne is a one-in-a-million woman and I know he’s never going to let her get away.

“You sure you don’t want to come to dinner with us?” Brienne asks.

“Yeah… come eat,” Drake says.

I shake my head. “No offense to you or the rug rats, but I want some ‘me’ time. I’m going to hit that buffet, fill my belly, then go home and binge-watch some TV while drinking wine.”

“That does sound nice.” Brienne sighs.

There are more hugs, mainly extra squeezes from me to my nephews who are by far the most important things in my life. I promise we’ll go to the indoor trampoline park when I pick them up from school tomorrow, which, for the moment, makes me their favorite aunt.

Well, I’m their only aunt, but if I had rivals, I’d be the best.

By the time they’re walking out the door and I’m back at the buffet table, I see that Bain’s parents are gone. Disappointment settles in as I’d looked forward to at least laying eyes on him. Maybe slipping a saucy wink his way.

The room is mostly cleared out. Kirill’s family is visiting and they’re all eating at one of the tables on the other side of the room. Waitstaff hustle around, cleaning up empty plates and glasses. They’re starting to close down the food stations.

I quickly walk through, grabbing grilled pork chops, mixed vegetables and my weakness… fresh rolls with whipped butter. I settle down at the nearest table and scroll through my phone while I eat.

I tear off a piece of crusty bread and don’t even bother to use the knife. I drag it through the soft butter on my plate and pop it into my mouth just as a shadow falls across my table.

I lift my head, eyes widening to see Bain standing over me. He’s freshly showered and wearing a dark navy suit.

Jesus… he’s tall. He towered over me the night of the Christmas party and I had on some major kick-ass heels to add to my height.

My mouth is stuffed full of butter and bread, but I manage to mumble a quickheybefore frantically chewing.

He smirks and pulls out a chair. I swallow my food as he plops down next to me. Before I can bring my napkin to my mouth, Bain’s finger touches the corner of my lips. I don’t need a mirror to know there’s butter there.

I almost pass out when he glides the pad over my lower lip and then pushes it into my mouth. I react on instinct, sucking gently on the tip of his finger, and my breath stutters when I see his eyes darken with desire.

He pulls away. “Are you going to slap me if I tell you the image of my finger in your mouth inspires a million dirty fantasies?”

I look around wildly. “Where are your parents?”

Bain throws a thumb over his shoulder. “Out in the hallway. I told them I wanted to say hello to you. My mom mentioned on no fewer than three occasions in twenty seconds how pretty you were and that I should ask you out.”

I’m barely able to follow his train of thought. I’m still lost in how turned on I was when he put his finger in my mouth. We’ve barely spoken a total of five minutes and I’m ready to crawl onto his lap and do dirty things.

“So, what do you think?” he asks.

“What?” My mind is muddled, my tongue thick.

He smirks, knowing he’s discombobulated me. “A date.”

I need to get some semblance of control. I take my napkin, dab at my lips to give myself a second to think. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Bain’s eyes flash with mischief. “Because your brother would kill me? I was already warned off by Coen at the Christmas party when he saw me staring after you.”
