Page 68 of Bain

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“That’s right. It will give us the best picture at this early stage.”

When the nurse exits, Kiera moves to the corner where there’s a small bench with hooks on the wall for her clothing. I move to the sleek exam table covered with crisp white paper and examine the stirrups.

“This is giving me all kinds of dirty ideas,” I muse.

Kiera snorts and I glance over at her to see her shimmying out of her jeans. Ordinarily, that’s all it would take to get my dick hard, but not here. Not in this environment. I’m all about the pregnancy experience.

I move to one of the guest chairs and prop an ankle on the opposite knee. We’re silent as Kiera shrugs into a robe that ties on the side. She starts to move past toward the table, but I grab her hand, tugging her to me.

She doesn’t fight me but allows me to drag her onto my lap where I hold her loosely. Placing my chin on her shoulder, I ask, “You nervous?”

“Little bit.”

“Shit’s getting real,” I murmur.

“So real,” she agrees quietly and tilts her head to rest against mine.

That’s how Dr. Segal finds us when he knocks on the door and walks in. He’s a short man, probably in his late fifties but incredibly fit looking. He’s got dark curly hair with a bit of gray sparsely mixed throughout. A pair of black-framed glasses perch on the end of his nose and his smile is easygoing.

“Ms. McGinn… it’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Dr. Segal.” Kiera stands from my lap and I stand along with her, holding my hand out.

As we shake, I introduce myself. “Bain Hillridge.”

“Nice to meet—” Dr. Segal jolts and his eyes narrow at me, trying to see past the ball cap. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to cross paths with a Titan today. Great game last night.”

“Thanks,” I say, and I expect him to want to talk about it or even get a picture. Instead, he turns and gives all his attention to Kiera.

“Go ahead and hop up on the table,” he says, moving to the sink to wash his hands.

I move to Kiera’s side as she lays back. Dr. Segal moves to the end and locks out the stirrups. “Slide down a bit more,” he says as he sits on a stool and rolls right on up between my girl’s legs.

I have a moment of distinct discomfort and my hands fist, but I take in Dr. Segal’s clinical expression as he doesn’t even look at her there yet. Instead, he pulls the ultrasound machine over and explains the test.

He shows Kiera the ultrasound wand and then covers it with a medical condom and lube. It’s thin, the end a little bulbous, but it’s quite long.

Way longer than my dick.

I take her hand and she squeezes as the doctor inserts it into her vagina. I wince but Kiera doesn’t even flinch.

She’s a stoic person, though, so I ask the doctor, “Does that hurt her?”

“It doesn’t,” Kiera said, her head tilted to look up at me. “Weird, but not painful.”

Dr. Segal uses his free hand to press down on her lower belly a little and then makes an adjustment on the computer. He rotates the wand and the screen is filled with a gray, hazy static that looks exactly like nothing.

But then I see it. Just briefly… a large black circle, then it’s gone.

Then it’s back again, much clearer.

“That’s the gestational sack,” Dr. Segal says, and my heart hammers in my chest. “And that small gray area is the yolk sac.”

It’s so small, no bigger than a bean. “And that’s our baby?” I ask incredulously.

“Sure is. Let’s listen to the heartbeat.” Dr. Segal taps a few keys and then the room is filled with a fast, rhythmic pattering.

I glance at Kiera. Her eyes are as round as saucers and I know mine look no different.
