Page 7 of Bain

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We assured him she was not, finally forcing him to be curious enough to learn the truth of what happened. And now here we are, nearly the entire team hanging out to ring in the new year.

Hendrix’s gaze sweeps the bar, landing on Stevie. She’s not working tonight, but every once in a while, she steps back there if the bartenders get a little too busy. She can’t serve alcohol while she’s drinking, but she helps by cleaning glassware and cashing out customer tabs.

“It looks like you two are back on track,” I observe.

“Thank fuck she’s a forgiving soul,” Hendrix says dryly. “I was such a dick to her that a part of me still isn’t quite sure if I really have her.”

I note that Stevie has her eyes on Hendrix as she rings in a drink, offering him a soft smile. I clap him on the shoulder. “Oh, you have her all right.”

Hendrix’s expression becomes dopey as he smiles back in her direction and I roll my eyes. Never did quite understand a man getting so caught up in a woman like that, but what do I know? I’m young and still playing the field. My facial expressions range from amusement to twisted pleasure, but never that lovesick, besotted visage.

“Maybe I should make a bigger overture?” he muses.

“Bigger than getting her diary back from that douchebag reporter?”

Without taking his eyes off Stevie, he asks, “You think that was enough?”

I don’t answer him, though, because my attention is caught on something far more important.

Kiera just walked in.

Leaving Hendrix’s question unanswered, I step away, winding through the crowd toward her.

Only to veer hard left to the bar when her fucking brother walks in behind her, holding hands with Brienne.

Well, shit… that puts a crimp in my plans, which were to flirt with and seduce Kiera so we could go home together tonight. Having her brother here will make that difficult but not insurmountable.

At the bar, I order a beer and once it’s in hand, I walk over to the pool tables. Two of them have doubles games going on, but on the third, some of the guys are playing individually. I set my beer on a high-top table and watch Camden and Boone play nine-ball. Foster and Kirill join us and for the next hour, we take turns going up against each other. It’s a fun night, using this time to bond with my new teammates. We single guys are definitely congregated together with a few of them scoping out the women in the bar.

I keep half an eye on Kiera as she moves around, talking to different people. She’s clearly comfortable among the players and I wonder if she’s dated any of them. I know Drake just came to the team this season, so it stands to reason Kiera’s been here no longer than that. Truth is, I don’t know much about her other than I’m extremely attracted to her.

Attraction shouldn’t be the only thing that has me scoping her out and it’s not. Just the small verbal exchanges we’ve had have been fun, quick-witted and flirty with an underlying crackle of sexual tension. I’m fucking drawn to her beyond anything I’ve felt before and I’ve had my share of beautiful women.

Maybe it’s that she’s unattainable because she’s not falling all over me and because her brother is a roadblock. Maybe I just need to fuck her once and get it out of my system. While we teased about a date, I don’t want that, and according to her, she doesn’t want that either. I think we’re both on the same page.

Now I just need an opportunity to spend some time with her tonight.

I’m watching asFoster and Kirill play a game of pool. Camden and I are chatting at the high top and fortuitously, Kiera is playing doubles with Stevie on the next table over as they take on Drake and Hendrix.

Unfortuitously, with Drake standing right here I can’t so much as start a conversation with Kiera, so I’ve got to be content with watching her.

Lusting after her, really.

She’s sexy as fuck tonight in a pair of jeans with rips in the thighs and knees and a pair of brown winter boots. She’s wearing a loose white button-up blouse that’s tucked in and capped off with a brown leather belt. All that glorious blond hair hangs over her shoulders and spills down her back, but my favorite part of her ensemble is that her top three buttons are undone. Every time she’s at the far end of her pool table and bends over to take a shot, I get a nice peek at the swell of her breasts.

Of course, everyone has the same view as I do, but when I glance around, no one is looking the way I am. I’m assuming that’s because her brother is looming beside us, or maybe I’m just a fucking pervert but this woman is driving me crazy.

And if I didn’t know any better, I’d think she’s intentionally giving me a show because every once in a while, her gaze will cut to me as if she’s making sure I’m watching.

“Your shot,” Kiera says as she hands Stevie her pool stick.

The match-up is interesting. I know for a fact that Stevie is an incredible player and sadly, Kiera is not. Their pairing does stand up well against Drake and Hendrix, who are both decent.

“I’m going to get us another round,” Drake says to his sister.

When he walks off, my heart pounds as Kiera meanders over to me. With Camden on the other side of the table, and Hendrix and Stevie in the vicinity, I cannot enact any hard-core flirting, but I do manage to stake my claim. “Glad to see you here tonight.”
