Page 12 of Gentling the Beast

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My beast picks up her scent soon after entering the forest. He is attuned to Jasmine, whom he already perceives to be his mate. I want to believe it, too. But first, I must find her.

I pray to the gods, old and new, that I shall discover her safely hidden, suffering naught but a little fright from the event, and without a scratch upon her small, delicate body.

Only, the farther I lope, the greater my apprehension grows. I run, pausing when I must in order to pick up her scent again. Finally, through the trees I catch a glimpse of the bears retreating, lumbering and crashing deeper into the forest.

My body coils with tension, and a feral snarl is ripped from my throat as I see Jasmine hanging limply over a big bear bastard’s shoulder, her long, dark locks flowing down. Rage consumes me. His hands are upon her, those beastly bear paws touching what is ours.

The transition sideswipes me—it is as though my entire body explodes before everything pops back into place. The change confronts me in the deepest, most pervasive way. Where I was on two legs, now I am on four. As I look down, I do not see evidence of a wolf, but monstrous beastly paws and forelegs all covered in shaggy white fur. From my jaw, tusks protrude, thicker, longer and more menacing than any orc tusks I have seen.

I do not have time to wonder what I am. It matters only that I am a killer, and someone has dared to touchourmate. We are aligned, orc and beast. His thoughts, desires, and wishes are one and the same as mine. Yet he also offers me freedoms, for in this animal form, there is no space for rationale, caution, or consideration.

There are only territorial rights over the woman who is ours.

I open my beastly jaws and roar.

Hearing my challenge, the bear turns, and drops Jasmine to the forest floor. As she falls limp, the last thread of my tenuous control snaps.

Lips curled back in a feral snarl, I charge.

The shifter roars back, his great front paw swiping for me.

It matters not. I’m bigger, stronger, faster, even than a mighty bear shifter. My thick fur-covered hide barely notices the passage of his claw. My giant tusks find skin and sink deep. I toss my head, thick neck muscles straining as my tusks tear through flesh and shatter bones. Blood fills my mouth and smothers my snout before the limp bear body crashes to the ground.

I snort, front feet stamping at the ground before instincts drive me to charge him again. My tusks sink into the side of his heaving body. His piteous death cry is sweet music. I draw back and skewer him again and again until he lies still and ruined, leaking lifeblood over the forest floor.

I snort again, alert to danger. Stamping my front foot, I survey the area for other threats. Bears wait on the periphery, staring at me from the shadows of the trees.

I bellow. It is a great resonating sound that is the cry of a beast ungodly in design that sits outside the realm of nature. I stamp my foot and bellow again, calling all who dare to challenge me.

None do. The bears turn and lope off into the forest.

Hearing a faint moan, my head swings, splatting a curtain of blood from my tusks. Everything inside me softens with dread as I take in Jasmine’s unnatural stillness. Did I conjure up the sound? I pad closer to her and gently nudge her with my front paw. Her weak moan rouses a mournful cry from me—she lives!

I lick her, my tongue lapping up the side of her throat, tasting salt from tears, a little dirt, and the scent that is purelyher. As her eyelids begin to flutter, my body explodes upon itself once again, and I reform as an orc. Where giant paws existed are familiar gnarled white hands. In place of shaggy white fur is thick orc hide.

“Doug? Oh, Doug!” she lifts her hand to me, weakly, and I take it within mine.

I am here, lass. I am here.I lift her into my arms and carry her, running for the Blighten camp, intent only on making her safe.

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She falls unconscious once more as I carry her back to the camp. I find my clothing and boots along the way, sodden and covered in mud, and dress swiftly, anxious to get Jasmine to safety. Penny is waiting on the outskirts of the forest, wringing her hands and pacing, and her face softens as she spots me and hastens over.

There is a covered wagon ahead, and I carry Jasmine there. Penny follows, jabbering questions, but they are pointless when I cannot fucking speak to answer her.

As I lay Jasmine down inside, she moans weakly but does not rouse. I run my hands over her, lightly, ever mindful of my greater size, checking for signs of injury. There are no cuts and no obvious lumps or bruises on her head. My beast rises inside, sniffing, but he does not sense any underlying malaise. Her heartbeat is steady, but she is chilled.

“Is she hurt?”

I shake my head and rub my arm in an indication of cold.

“I’ll get a blanket and some water,” Penny says.

I remain crouched over Jasmine, protective, my beast bristling. When Penny returns, I take the blanket, bundle of food, and water from her before motioning her out.

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