Page 24 of Gentling the Beast

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Deliberately, and even though I’m horrified on his behalf, I lower my lips and kiss, just a gentle press against that lumpy, puckered skin to show him that I love him even here.

He growls, striking fear in my heart. I fear, not that he might hurt me, but that he will push me away; perhaps never trust me again.

My fears prove unfounded when his eyes flash and he rears up to tip me onto my back and spread my legs. Head lowering, he laps upon me with noisy enthusiasm, grunting and growling.

My arousal soars, and a climax crashes through me. I pant and gasp, hips rocking against his wicked tongue. My fingers spear his hair, pulling him closer to me, because no sooner does the climax roll through me than I am rising again. His enthusiasm is infectious. I wonder if his thick cock is getting hard now. Whether he will let me touch him there again.

I come once more, barely having come down in between.

He does not stop; in fact he seems intent upon gobbling me up.

Over-sensitive, I plead with him for a moment. He only growls a warning and continues to eat me out. I court madness as he lavishes me with his tongue. There is no respite, only climax after climax. And all the while, I’m thinking about himthere,how truly monstrous he is, the mutilated mass of glands, and what they might feel like if he were hard… were he to force all of him inside me.

As those thoughts swirl around in my mind, my next climax is the hardest and longest of my life. My body arches off the bed, and a cry is torn from my lips.

Finally, he rises from between my legs and collapses beside me on the bed. With his back to the door, he tucks me between him and the wall, insinuates his hand between my twitching thighs, and heaves a shuddering breath.

Only… he is still not hard. Maybe he has been broken there. Maybe he will never grow hard. And how my heart breaks for him and what was done. But he enjoyed my kisses and my touch, and that gives me hope. There are many ways of showing love and affection that do not involve the place where he is scarred. As I drift into sleep, I determine that I shall dedicate every future evening to discovering what pleases Doug.



The next morning Melody and Bard are called to speak to Edwin, the general whose home we are all quartered in. He is wealthy, his residence spacious, and he has many bondservants and orcs employed to do his bidding. I suspect this morning’s summons relates to what Melody did yesterday and the strange dark space that opened up in the center of Jendrick’s room, which I believe might be a kind of portal.

As usual, I accompany them to Edwin’s stately office with dark wood paneling and a leaded window, currently open, which offers views across the city.

Sitting at a broad desk, the huge, intimidating orc puts aside a scroll as we enter.

Edwin wears fine leather armor, and his long dark hair is tied back with a simple strip of leather. He listens with interest to Bard’s report on Melody’s wellbeing, nodding and occasionally pausing the discussion so he can consult a scroll.

“Jendrick has requested to work with Melody daily,” the big orc general rumbles. “He is constantly in the ear of our warlord to this end.”

“The lessons are taxing,” Bard says. “The child needs some rest between.”

“I don’t mind,” Melody chirps. “So long as I get a toffee apple afterward.”

Edwin frowns and looks to Bard in askance. “What is this toffee apple?”

“An apple” —Bard clears his throat— “which has been dipped in toffee.”

Edwin raises one bushy brow. “That sounds appalling. She will rot all her teeth and give herself a stomachache. No wonder fairies are so small.”

“It is in their nature, my lord,” Bard offers. “Fairies are made from magic and are renowned for having a sweet tooth. I’ve known many of advanced years, and not one had problems with their teeth, nor did they suffer digestive issues as a result.”

Edwin grunts and goes back to the scroll, reading farther down before finally rolling it up. He selects an empty scroll and takes up his pen to scribble something down.

As he writes, and despite Bard’s hissed instructions that she returns to his side, Melody draws ever closer to Edwin via a strangely meandering route, all the while throwing impish smiles our way. It is a constant wonder to me that the child can remain such a playful brat in the presence of orcs.

I hold my breath as she puts her small hands on his desk and attempts to peer up at what he does.

Edwin’s head swings around to fix his dark glare upon the tiny sprite, their faces inches apart.

“Melody, the general is very busy,” Bard says. “Come away before you get into trouble.”

Edwin is still staring at the fairy. The child standing at his side twists a lock of her long golden hair around her finger while staring back at him.

“You are a pretty color,” Melody announces. “I wish I were green. Then I could pretend to be a forest sprite and make friends with deer.”

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