Page 35 of Gentling the Beast

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My words are disjointed because I’m thinking about kissing himthere. Only, on reflection, I think my mumbled request might have been confusing.

Something troubles him. I know it, but it’s not like he can say. I was going to talk to him about Trent, but now I’m here with him, I’m distracted. I haven’t seen Trent again. He’s been busy. Perhaps I won’t see him again ever. Perhaps he was only toying with me because he’s a more powerful bondservant, and he likes to abuse his power in that way.

I’m lying to myself. But when I’m here in this room with Doug, it’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist.

Only, tonight, there is an edgy darkness to Doug, and I’m ashamed to say it’s making my pussy very wet. I rarely think about him being a male orc, huge even among their kind, nor how powerful he is. While he is always gentle with me, he is still a huge, brutish orc who could snap my neck with ease.

I know he won’t. It’s not in his nature. And even though something is troubling him, I trust him.Implicitly.And yet the little frisson of danger enveloping us sets a delectable curl to the arousal rushing through me.

It is no use.

Still sitting, I wriggle out of my dress and toss it to the floor.

There, I’m naked.

His eyes widen, and the deep rumble that emanates from his chest tells me I have achieved my aim and distracted him thus.

“You may touch me only when you are naked,” I say boldly. “And not until.”

I know that I’m pushing him, always pushing. Perhaps I’m a wicked woman. Perhaps I should be more gentle with him, more patient. But I don’t feel patient tonight. I feel the direct opposite: a little wild and untamed. It’s like the emotional state he’s radiating has crawled under my skin.

His nostrils flare and, goodness, if I ever had any doubts that he is the one for me, that fear is shattered under his heated look.

Then he steps back, kicks off his boots and, without apparent shame, shoves his pants down.

My throat works as my eyes meet his thick, monstrous cock that hangs halfway down his legs. His balls hang heavy and potent. I can scarcely draw enough breath as I glance up and his arresting blue eyes pierce me with a look.

Reaching out my hand, tentative, I touch his thigh, feeling him trembling underneath my fingertips.

Perhaps it is I who tremble.

I believe we both do a little bit.

I swallow as his spicy musk invades my nose, making me a little woozy.

My hand slides up over his thick muscles, over his belly, and down again in the center of his body. Holding my breath, I gently brush my thumb against the base of his cock. Tension locks his body, and his cock flexes under my thumb.

I’m so surprised, I start. My eyes flash to meet his, finding him staring down at me, jaw locked.

He does not indicate I should stop. So slowly, I lean forward and press a kiss against his thigh.

Perspiration dampens my skin as I continue to kiss him, edging closer, and all the while, I stroke my thumb over his knot, thrilled when his cock flexes again.

Goodness, he is growing bigger. I’m so hyper-fixated on what I do that I’m near starved of oxygen, for I scarcely breathe, and what little air finds its way to my lungs is saturated with the scent of him. I want to kiss him there, to take him into my mouth, to please him as he has pleased me. A groan escapes my lips as my kisses draw closer, and then carefully, oh so carefully, I close my fingers around the root and press my lips to the side of the thick shaft.

He is hard and flexing against my hand. My pussy is absolutely drenched and pulsing as little spasms shoot through me. I hear the sharpness of his labored breathing, his fists clenched at his side. There is no mistaking the tremble in his legs now as I gently kiss all the way to the tip. His thick cock flexes violently in my hand. I lick my lips, brace myself, and level the head with my mouth to press a gentle kiss.


He jerks away, his chest heaving like a bellow as he angles away from me. His cock stands to attention, bouncing as he paces and weeping pre-cum begins to drip.

The air is so thick and hot that I fear I might spontaneously combust.

“Please,” I say, “I will go slowly. I will be gentle. I will I’ll do anything you wish, but please…”

Rising, I round him and press my palm to his belly. My face softens as I take in his pained look. I remind myself that he said it did not hurt him last time, and that whatever troubles him is of the mind and not physical, not that it makes this any easier. He has been hurt there before. The scars tell me as much. Perhaps he has never known pleasure in this way.

Suddenly I am certain he has not.
