Page 37 of Gentling the Beast

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“Drink this.” The head cook passes a cup to Pippa. “It will help with the bleeding, Goddess willing. And will ease the pain enough for you to do your duties.”

Turning, the head cook sees me. “Jasmine, go and see if you can find some clean rags and hide this at the bottom of the trash. The laundry lasses do nothing but gossip. If they catch us washing this out, there is sure to be a fuss. Best not to tempt their wagging tongues.”

She passes me a cloth, sodden with blood, before turning back to Pippa, whose hand trembles as she drinks from the cup.

Uncertainty crawls under my skin. Some gut instinct tells me this is more than monthlies. The dripping rag in my hand is assuredly not a natural amount of blood loss. That I have been asked to hide it rather than wash it out in the laundry builds a deeper sense of unease. I do as asked, gathering a few rags from the kitchen store, although these are not the best kind of linens for such needs.

When I return, Pippa is white-faced and handing the cup back. The young maid at her side pats her hand while the head cook is stern-faced as she takes the rags from me.

“Do not let the bastard corner you again, Pippa. He is no good, and full of self-importance.”

“He said he was going to be freed soon and would marry me… and then, when I told him I was with child, he said… he would take me to get rid of it, and if that didn’t work, he would take me out the back and… oh!” Pippa suddenly groans and presses her hand to her belly. “I’m near faint with the pain. How am I to do my work?”

“The drink will work soon and ease the pain some. Lord Edwin is with the warlord today, and the steward is in a foul mood on account of the extension work falling behind. You don’t want to draw his attention today lest you get yourself a whipping to go with your other woes. Trent is a nasty piece of work and, further, a fool if he thinks he will be freed anytime soon. Not unless he has something up his sleeve that might curry further favors.” She sighs heavily. “I can’t believe he took you to that hag to get rid of the babe. The old crone loses more girls than she helps.”

As the young kitchen maid falls to sobbing, the blood drains from my face. Trent did this: rutted her, lied to her, and when she got with child, then took her to someone to get rid of it, then threatened to… No, I cannot think about that. Even so, everyone knows bondservants are not permitted to have children unless they are given permission to wed or mate.

Trent, who was not the worst of them, according to Penny, has been elevated after he betrayed those who fled the bear attack.

Trent, who has already cornered me… telling me what he wants from me to keep my secret.

As I look at the young girl, I see myself and the fate that might have been mine had Doug not come along. I tell myself I would not have fallen for his lies, after Penny’s coaching, but the truth is, we live desperate lives and can all fall prey to the hope of being something more than we are. My experience with Trent also tells me he is not above coercion or even forcing the matter should a lass turn him down.

Trent still wants you,the little voice cautions. He has grown ruthless as his power grows. He holds my secret for now, but he will use me at some point, for sure.

This little scene plays out like a wake-up call. I need to speak to Doug about it tonight.

“I can help with her duties,” I say. “Melody is at home today. Bard is a good man. If I explain, he will cover for me, and I can help here.”

The head cook’s face softens. “Thank you, Jasmine. That would be greatly appreciated. Edwin is expecting guests tonight, for General Tulwin is back in Krug, and they have business to discuss, by all accounts. There is much to do. But with your help, we can find some light work for Pippa that will keep her off her feet.”

“Oh, thank you,” Pippa says, her eyes brimming with tears as she looks from the head cook to me.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I say and hasten to collect Melody’s breakfast tray.

I take the tray up and help Melody to wash and dress. After, as she is tucking into her breakfast, I explain the situation to Bard, about Pippa, and about Tulwin coming to visit this eve and how the kitchens are short-staffed. He is understanding, but I see the worry there. Perhaps it is about Pippa, for such troubles are never isolated to one bondservant and spill over into consequences for us all.

But then perhaps his worry is about Tulwin.

“When I arrived with General Tulwin, he made it sound as though he was responsible for Melody.”

Bard nods. “A celebrated war hero with many conquests and successful battles, he is still hungry for more glory. Plain-talking, as orcs often are, he made no secret of his interest in Melody and her skills as she matured.”

“She is still so young,” I say, my heart breaking a little for the innocent pawn in these games.

“She is,” he agrees, eyes shifting to Melody, who is tucking into her breakfast at the table before the window. “You had better go. I will keep Melody occupied. We will talk more later.”

“I’ll be back with her lunch,” I say.

I know I can trust Bard. For a fleeting moment, I consider telling him about Trent accosting me, confessing about how I fled the camp during an attack, and how he seeks to blackmail me into compliance. Yet something holds me back. Bard is worried for Melody, and my foolish mistakes are my own.

* * *

After working to assist the cook in the morning, I return to Melody with lunch, but the kitchen is still busy, and I go straight back to help.

With Tulwin’s imminent arrival, fresh rumors spread amongst the bondservants as we all question how this meeting tonight might impact us. By the time the general arrives and dinner is served, the light has faded, and I’m exhausted from my duties. It is some consolation that Pippa is looking better and her unnatural bleeding has slowed.

One of the other servants catches me as I am making my way up the stairs to Melody’s room. He presents me with a toffee apple which he tells me he collected, at Edwin’s bequest, from the little stall just south of the market.
