Page 67 of Gentling the Beast

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I make a ‘continue’ gesture with my hand.

“So, assuming you do think words” —he is grinning now— “then shifters can communicate with their mind within their pack. Alphas, which you seriously must be, given you’re a big bastard, can communicate with other alphas outside their pack.”

I consider what I do with Jasmine… how we communicate. Is that part of me being a shifter? It feels likely that it is. Frowning, I glance at him and wonder where he is going with this, for there are only beta shifters here.

“I know these lands; I grew up here. Farther south and east are barbarian clans and other small villages like the one I once called home, certainly nothing of interest to a highly decorated general and his war tribe. But there are also shifter packs closer to the mountains, many of them… The wolf shifters are forming alliances with the fairy and human kingdoms. Some are already in place. They are formidable adversaries for the Blighten. There is only one reason why Tulwin would be here with so many orcs, why he is training beta wolves and bondservants as disposable fighters and threatening their fucking loved ones to this aim. He is going to attack the shifters to teach them a lesson, cow them, and deter them from an alliance. Only we can change that. If you are shifted, you will be able to speak to the shifters the orcs wish us to attack. You can warn them.”

My heart rate elevates. He is seeking to escape. To use the battle coming against the shifters toward this aim. I play catch-up with what the alpha is saying as he sends me a casual glance. “You can shift, can’t you?”

I shrug, only now realizing that in engaging him this far, my loyalty has already shifted. Cold sweeps down my spine.What am I doing here?

“Have you ever shifted?” he presses.

I swallow thickly and nod.

“But you cannot shift at will?”

I shake my head.

He frowns. “Okay, that’s something I can ask the beta shifters about. Maybe they can coach you.” He gives me an up-down look. “You must be a very big fucking wolf.”

I blink slowly.

He raised both brows. “Are you a wolf?”

I shake my head.

“Fuck,” he mutters. “Then what the fuck are you?”

An abomination. An ungodly beast. A monster.

I believe he reads all of this in my expression, but he surprises me when he chuckles. “Good. A badass orcly beast is just what we need. Pity we don’t have another ten. I will keep you posted.”

He strides away like we are in fucking agreement, and, despite my reservations, I’m thinking that we are.

I believe he will get a surprise when he sees my beast.

I believe everyone will, but most especially the sweet bondservant who is my mate.

She will not fear that side of us,my beast encourages me.

Everyone else assuredly will.

As I watch the alpha join the team of humans he is tasked with training to fight, I see them in a new light.

The humans are plotting. Now, I am plotting with them. I could pull back and strangle the alpha whelp who is too fucking self-assured for his own good. Only I have already seen him fight, and I do not believe he is boasting. He has a plan, one that is afflicted with many flaws yet backed up by his indomitable will.

Some men were not meant to be enslaved. Jacob is one such man. I only hope his quest for freedom does not get us all fucking killed.

* * *

When evening comes, and I return to collect Jasmine, I know instantly something is wrong.

“There was trouble today,” she says, the moment we are alone.

“What trouble?”My eyes search her for damage. Not satisfied, I have her in my tent and on my fur, determined to take a closer inspection.

Her hand in the center of my chest stills me. “Not me, Doug. The fairy, Winter.”
