Page 72 of Gentling the Beast

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“Your mate is behind this?” Bard asks.

I lift my head, thinking at first he is talking to me, but he is looking at Winter.

She nods, and I see the lines of stress on her face, a state of mind that I share. I retrieve Melody’s cloak. She chatters excitedly, oblivious to the heavy undertones.

I am startled when Bard crouches before Melody. It is only now that I consider his age and how ill-equipped he is for such times. I feel the softening inside even before he speaks.

“Winter is going to take you away from here, Melody. You will need to be a good girl for her and keep very quiet.”

Beyond the walls of the tent, I hear shouts and cries.It reminds me of the day the orcs attacked my village and the day my life was irrevocably changed.

“Are you coming?” Melody asks Bard, her young voice quavering as her eyes dart toward the tent flap, beyond which comes the discordant sounds.

My heart breaks for this young child, even as it breaks for myself.

He shakes his head. “You must move swiftly, and I would only slow you down.”

“Will I see you later? After the adventure?”

When he shakes his head again, Melody’s face crumbles.

“You must be a brave girl for me, Melody, like you were the day the dark fae came, and your mother and father entrusted me to take you to safety. You trusted me then, and you must trust me now. Winter will take you to Sanctum, and you will see all the wonders you have talked to her about. I pray that you will see them. I pray that I shall never see you again, for it will mean that you are there and safe.”

She throws herself into his arms, sobbing.

He holds her just as tightly.

My eyes pool with tears, yet the sounds of battle rise from the far side of the camp.

Oh, Doug, where are you?

“Your bard is old now, precious child. One day, I hope you will forgive me for some of the truths I have hidden from you. You are still too young to understand. When you are older, I pray that you will come to do so. But for now, you must be brave and go with Winter. She will take you to where you will be safe.”

I have so often wondered about the relationship between the two. He is ever stern and firm with her, and yet, seeing him here and now, I could never doubt his deep love and affection for this small child whose parents entrusted her to his care.

That heavy burden is passing from Bard to Winter. What shall happen to Bard, I do not know. My heart tells me he will likely meet his end.

Perhaps we all shall.

Perhaps Doug, who has shown his true heart and nature through his deeds, has already fallen.

Perhaps the Goddess has welcomed him, even if he never believed in her.

And perhaps I shall join him at her side today.

But before that, my priority is Melody, who is so young and has so much to live for still, and for her, I will fight… I will do whatever I can to keep her safe.

Bard rises, and Melody slips her hand into Winter’s.


My head turns toward the tent flap, and my heart pounds with relief—my Doug is here.

“Your mate?” Bard asks me.

“He is outside,” I say, pride shining in my voice, feeling instantly calmer now he is here. “Seeing no orc guards there, he would do naught else.”

“Go with Winter,” Bard says to me. “The orcs will kill the other bondservants if any escape. Fleeing is your only hope.”
