Page 76 of Gentling the Beast

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We pass through the entrance into a great cavern, with tiered recesses and passages leading off in many directions. Pack members lounge in wolf and human form around a central fire pit. Beyond the fire is a raised dais where an imposing man with long dark hair and a scowl upon his face sits on a pelt-covered stone slab which has all the appearances of a barbaric throne.

Two naked women sit at his feet.

This is their leader, Travis. And it appears that Travis is more than a little angry.

We come to a stop in the center, spreading out into the space. A child starts crying—her mother tries to calm her as low murmurs rise.

“Silence!” Travis rises, tossing a pelt aside and striding naked over to the black wolf.

Ashe shifts, as do the russet and gray wolves beside him.

Travis’ lips twist in a sneer as he glares at the young man with tussled brown hair who stands where the gray wolf formerly did. “You were part of this, son?”

“It needed to be done,” says the young man, the pack leader’s son, I assume.

Ashe folds his arms. “They are here, now. I said we had space. I said they would not meet a welcome, but that you would not turn them away, either.”

Travis grunts, noncommittally, his eyes skimming over us. “What the fuck is that?” He stabs a finger in Doug’s direction.

Ashe glances back. “A shifter of a kind. He does have another form, but he is a little shy.”

“Shy?” Travis raises both brows, and I feel my temper rising.

“Now is not the time to speak, lass,”Doug cautions.

It is the first time he has spoken to me since the battle. I step closer to him and put my hand against his shoulder, stroking his beautiful fur. “Why don’t you shift?” I whisper.

“My beast will not relinquish hold until the danger is past.”

I glance around, feeling the hostile glares as the pack members rise from where they have been lounging and edge closer for a better look. I don’t think it really sunk in when Ashe said we would receive a frosty welcome. A part of me wants to leave, but I’m also exhausted. We have injured and children amongst us, and they need rest—we all do.

“They will need to earn their keep,” Travis says.

“I’m sure they will,” Ashe says, dryly. “Once they have recovered.”

“There are beta shifters among them.” Travis curls his lip as though thoroughly disgusted. “Weak, beta shifters.”

“Aye, they are former prisoners of orcs.”

“I expressly told you not to confront them.”

“Well, it’s for the best we did,” Ashe says boldly. “Given there was an entire fucking army of orcs. We’ll need to go back tomorrow and encourage them to move on.”

Travis huffs. “Fine. Take them to the lower chambers. They can have rations for a day, and then they’re expected to earn their keep.”

Ashe inclines his head. “Our magnanimous leader has spoken.”

“Don’t push your fucking luck, pup,” Travis snarls.

Tension invades the cavern, and deathly stillness settles over those present.

Ashe bears his throat in a show of submission.

Travis nods and stalks back to his throne.

Ashe relaxes his stance and turns to us. “Come. I will show you where you can rest.”


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